FightHere is a plugin that allows you to fight mobs right where you're standing, without having to make a separate grinding profile. It will fight all mobs in a circle, with your character's current location as the center. You can change how far out to fight, and which mobs to fight, via the user interface. Installation Download, and unzip it. Drag the 'FightHere' folder to the 'Honorbuddy/Plugins' folder. Then, start or restart HonorBuddy. Instructions Start Honorbuddy, but don't click the 'Start' button yet. In Wow, move your character to the middle of where you want to fight. In HonorBuddy, click the 'Plugins' button. In the resulting plugins list, check the checkbox before 'FightHere', and click on the line to select it. Click the 'Show Mobs' button, to bring up the user interface. At the top, is the list of mobs in your area. Here, you can select which mobs you wish to fight. By default, all mobs are checked. Next, is a slider that controls the radius of the fight circle, or how far out you want to fight. As you drag the slider, the mob list changes to reflect which mobs are in the desired radius. It's a quick way to do a 'rough guess' on how far out you want to fight. (Alternatively, you can install Chinchilla miniap, and determine what radius you want using its tools.) Uncheck the mobs you're not interested in fighting. If you want to look for chests or quest lootables too, check the 'Also open chests' checkbox. When the settings are to your satisfaction, click the 'Save' button. This creates a grinding profile for you, and loads it. The grinding profile is saved to HonorBuddy/Plugins/FightHere/FightHere.xml. Now, hit the 'Start' button in Honorbuddy, and watch it fly! I find it handy for doing questing - 'kill 10 of these mobs in this area while simultaneously collecting 8 flowers', for instance. It will pick the flowers and kill mobs for me. Notes It won't attack creatures level 1 - only level 2 and higher. This avoids mobs such as 'cockroach'. If you like the profile and want to keep it for future use, rename it from 'FightHere.xml' to a different name. Once created, it isn't necessary to keep the plugin running - if you like, turn it off to save CPU speed, and just run the profile it generated. (However, if you do this, it won't look for chests, and will tend to return to the center too frequently, before it's done with all the mobs.) It will 'return to the center' when it can't find anything else to do. If this is happening too frequently, leave the plugin running. Question and Answers If it seems to be walking somewhere weird: Make sure you're in grindbot mode. Check the 'Info' window to see if it's actually going off to repair or something. Download Link: Donation Link:
As I said in the other topic, I gonna try it and give you a feedback here. Very nice description and seems really easy to use. Gonna be right back. Thanks alot man!!! EDIT: Yea man, fucking awesome nice work! Create a simple grind profile in 2 seconds, no work at all, thanks alot!!! +rep!
Extremely useful, I just pressed a button and it went to work, I honestly think I will never search for profiles for grinding again. A+++ work my friend.
You did IT! I was trying to get it to work and had a half assed version working on my own. Great work man.
Love it, been using it for a couple of hours now. Is it any way to add a function for it to kill 3-4 mobs, then loot. Since the new AoE looting system, it would mean less downtime )
You know, I have a custom class that does that for me. Basically, it opens with an AOE, and stays in combat until they're all chewed down. Great for farming cloth in deepholm! If your custom class doesn't do that, and you don't know how to change it, check out FightThisWay, a new all-in-one custom class that's opening for beta testing. I made my Destruction Warlock tailor open with Rain of Fire, just so he can chew up the mobs in DeepHolm and spit out embersilk.
With all respect... SHUT UP! You doing all things everyone wish to have lol Thanks man! Gonna try that one too
Also, if you want to reduce the 400 yards, you can go into the xml it makes and edit the distance from 400 to desired amount.
This plugin is great - super easy to use and even easier to keep a character on the move through the various zones. Nice work!
where do i found the xml file if i wana save i?? i check fight here in plugins, i have tested to have bot on and off when setting hotspot, but i dont get any file in fight here map so i could save it
I have the problem that my bot gets carried away far from the original spot cause of pulling mobs . Any idea how to avoid this?
Is it just me that it doesnt work at all? Trying to make one in Jade Forest and it starts walking to Valley of the four winds and stop under a freaking stair!
doesn't work for me either, it just stands there and does nothing. tried different locations, nothing happens. another garbage plugin.
doesn't work for me either, it just stands there and does nothing. tried different locations, nothing happens. another garbage plugin.
Plugin is working perfectly - it's not a garbage plugin if you can't follow the instructions. Plugin enabled? Grind Bot activated? Profile loaded?