[Reputation] panYama's Aldor Reputation Faction: Alliance Map: Outland Farms: Mark of Sargeras, Fel Armament Level: 80 - It's starting point is in Legion Hold. Once arrived you can start the bot from the Legion Hold and your character will start moving towards it's items. Profile Details: Faction: Level: 80 Map: Outland - Shadowmoon Valley Farming: Mark of Sargeras, Fel Armament. Description: This profile will be used to gain reputation with Blacklist: a few spots to avoid stuck parts Properties Settings: - Vendor: Supported! - Mail: Supported! - Ammo: Supported! - ForceMail: Disabled! - Protectitems: Enabled! Feedback: This profile if fool proof, open the profile and read everything before posting useless posts. Feedback is nice to get if you want to thank or give some sort of good advice. How to use Files: Download the file and load it, start HB and start it at Legion Hold. Lootfilter: Enable Lootfilter to KEEP the items descrive above, and DELETE everything else! (unless you like any other item!) Usage notice: When you download this file, open it in a text editor to see if it is up to your needs, if not edit the file to do so. Everything else should be self explanatory as soon as you open the file, by Using my profiles I assume you know how they work. Credits: Bow down to lord LiquidAtor, for making the profile.(yes he made the profile.) Changelog: Code: [FONT=Tahoma]- 1.0 Profiles have been uploaded for community use. Credits to LiquidAtor.[/FONT] Donation: Buy me a Subway Sandwhich/Coffee, or If you like to see more.
Blackspots for the profile Code: <Blackspot X="-3644.495" Y="2386.93" Z="77.30602" Radius="8" /> <Blackspot X="-3693.04" Y="2337.168" Z="76.74907" Radius="5" /> <Blackspot X="-3064.933" Y="2969.293" Z="94.33527" Radius="14" /> Update if needed.
finished using this the other day. great profile. only problem was if i used my mount, it wouldnt dismount me. it just kept running to the hotspots. so i just didnt use a mount. not sure if that will happen to anyone else
Bug report Not sure if it's a problem with my setup, but I keep getting stuck running this profile. He just stands still and it says "you are too far away" must be trying to melee a target too far. Im running it on grind bot setting.
send a pm to LiquidAtor, as he made the original profile, my tip to you first ask then post a profile. I myself find this highly annoying and puts you on my blacklist, but since its not made by me I won't. so ask liquidator.