--- Megser's Runecloth --- Hello and welcome to this thread, today I'll be giving out my Runecloth Farming Profile. Made this due to many requests in the requests section. This is almost the same as my "Megser's Cenarion Circle" profile. Stuck: Never gotten stuck. Some detailed information: Start Zone: Silithus, You should start here Minimum level chosen: 71 Maximum level chosen: 81 <Protected Items>: - Runecloth <ForceMail> Forcemails Runecloth. Blackspots: <Blackspot X="-6983.157" Y="1183.136" Z="9.616113" Radius="30" /> Click here for picture. <Blackspot X="-6967.149" Y="1115.689" Z="6.479977" Radius="8" /> Click here for picture. <Blackspot X="-6722.143" Y="1624.242" Z="12.41707" Radius="25" /> Click here for picture. Vendors: Vendors at the NPC Vargus. Avoid Mobs: <None> Can this profile send mails? Yes. For anymore details about the profile look at the .xml file. I hope you'll enjoy this profile. Remember To +Rep me!
Ok try it atm, was looking for it this morning. Nice mate ! Will give you feedbacks! EDIT1 - Can't give you feedbacks, i have this fucking warden check issue atm EDIT 2 - Running it for one hour:
Hey Boub, are you pleased with the amount you've gathered after one hour? And by the way, I got to ask what is the name of that fancy UI addon?
Oh yes it gives me about 300rep so quite nice, i will try it for a night soon and give you feedbacks. For the UI, it's LUI from wowinterface, here is the link about it: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info14130-LUIv2.0.html#info !
Hey Dude, was just give this a try but its not working for me. Are there any settings your profiles require before they will run as this is the second one tried of yours that just stands still?
Have you got click to move enabled ? Have you got the correct setting in the bot ? (Set it to levelbot, not questing) Reset Key bindings, (give it a go atleast, ) Kai,
I think I was a bit too far away from the starting area, I follow your instructions Kai and it seems to be running ok now Will report back on loots etc