Simple tool that hides or shows all world of warcraft windows it finds. (any window with the title, 'World of Warcraft') Repositorie on google code
cool tool. I used window hidie @ work ... tomorow ill try yours xD P.s.: It works perfectly xD a must-have for my pc @ work *g*
wow, that would be GREAT. Maybe a small icon could be visible leftside the clock... how are they called.... :-X MUCH BETTER: If we could set a button, maybe F10 to hide or show the windows xD
I laughed out loud upon pressing on the 'Hide' button, It would indeed be nice to have a hotkey instead of the whole button thing though well at least it would for me, Thanks for making this work!
Here is a nice little program that i came across the other day. it removes the icon from any program you want.
Repositorie on google code Anyone who wants can checkout edit it add features or whatnot. Enjoy!