Overview BuddyWing plugin to create grinding profiles. How to use 1)Open GUI 2)Enter any settings 3)Click red button that says "Not Recording" 4)Drive around (doesn't have to be exact path, plugin will pick up mob locations pretty far out) 5)Click "Save" Notes -Make sure to drive by the medical droids -The "byLvl" build will separate your grind zones by lvl Installation Place zipped contents in "Plugins" folder in folder called "ProfileBuilder". -I didn't try out the other profile creating plugin. These both probably do the same thing, I just wanted to make this.
I successfully grinded Hutta 1-10. So I made this 10-17~ Drumond Kaas. edit: uploaded v2 of Drumond Kass, removed some mobs that were too tough.
Added another GUI window to review the mobs on your list. You can set the level you want to start grinding that mob. Set it to "0" if you don't want it included in your profile.
Raw Balmorra grind. I'm going to run it tonight... Probably not great idea for me to afk overnight the rough draft, but it might work. The Drumond Kaas final is up and worked really well. I had a Vile Vindicator's Lightsaber - Items - Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) Database drop. so that is cool. Also got a [Prototype] AA-16 Core - Items - Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) Database.
Yes: Microsoft .Net Framework 4 Client Profile Microsoft .Net Framework 4 Extended and Buddywing is working. Do i need something else ?
noob q Ama, what profile do i run to start this going and recording? I've tried loading the combat profile by Kick and loading the plugin. Wasnt able to see anything when grinding though, ive loaded d/l the 4.1, much help would be appreciated.
-Load up the combatbot. -Make sure you set you pull distance to zero. -You dont have to get that close to the mobs, you should actually try avoiding them. -Make sure to keep the plugin UI open the whole time. You may need to click the check box a couple of times for it to pop up. The button has red text if you are not recording and green if you are. (like green light go and red light stop).
Either in the global settings file and/or the settings file for that specific character in the Settings directory.
Ama, I'm guessing you quit the game? cause i was looking forward to your next grinding profiles, cause they were a great alternative to the questing profiles
I have actually taken a break from this game. I could make some more, the only roadblock I have right now is the elevators and taxis. I dont know if buddywing automatically detects these, or if they need to be put in the profiles. I was grinding like a champ, then I started to record one for Nar Shadaa and noticed you need a taxi/elevator to get anywhere. I didn't know too many people were botting this game. Ill make a couple more when I get back home. Would be nice to get all my toons to lvl 50.
i love your grinding profiles, as they need faar less babysitting than the questing profiles and you still get lvls the only roadblock i have atm is the char not moving when i press start