Hey Devs, If possible can we have a remesh of the following: Code: <Hotspot Name="My Location" X="100.0616" Y="43.29113" Z="-246.5337" /> Area: 400000000003FFE4 Area Name: tat_main Instance ID: 3 Room: interior_grommik_room_03 There is a door panel, but according to the Mesh its at a different location?!? Thanks in advance
They can do a few but it takes some time. I will talk to fearless leader. Just give me the points of issues since he has remeshed in past for us. Walter
Ah, okay. It seems to me that the bot must be able to see things "far far away" because it tries to go places outside of a building and ends up walking into walls (maybe it's just the quest profile) Also does the bot not know how to walk around trees? Lol just saying.