As the title says, let's you skip conversations, enable the plugin. It uses 3 Hotkeys, see below. Once the plugin is loaded you can press any of the 3 keys to change between auto skip options, i wrote this for kick because he's too lazy to klick thru them Good when ure hand leveling. Hotkey "R" Light Auto Skip Hotkey "T" Dark Auto Skip Hotkey "Y" Normal ( Set's it back to normal )
Sure, you could use the hotkeys class register a new hotkey that sets a boolean in a combat routine that makes it cast a sequence of spells or something.
I know this thread is extremely old, the plugin still works great but i was wondering if anybody knows if its possible to edit in a pause toggle? As i like to skip the general convos but would like to watch class story line.
i believe this is now implemented fully in BW itself... i believe aevitas would need to implement such a hotkey
If this is now implemented in BuddyWing.. Please what are the hotkeys to enable Skip Light Side, Skip Dark Side and Return to Normal conversation. Can you have Buddywing list these features and hotkeys in the log at startup so that we know they are available & how to use them? Pending a response to this... I've corrected a typo in the original plugin that prevented you from going back to Normal Conversation Mode. Attached is the corrected CS file. Call it version 1.0.1 And it now works fine for me. I've also included the Hotkeys in the plugin description. More informative than a kick to poor Kick.
Actually what I've discovered is that this plugin is integrated and functional only when using a profile such as Kick's leveling profiles. They auto skip conversations without this plugin, based on the Light or Dark profile you use. However when using Combat Bot, conversations are not skipped. This is where this plugin is still useful, and still functions. That is it works for me just fine . I do delete this plugin from the plugin folder when I'm running Kick's profiles. I only place this plugin into the plugin folder when I use combat bot. I figure if you have this enabled when running Kick's profiles they may conflict and cause you problems.. I don't know for certain but better safe than sorry
Out of curiosity, does this allow you to make Light side decisions for Kick's Empire questing profiles or vice versa? EDIT: I've tried and it does NOT choose Light options if running a Dark profile or vice versa.