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  • Carguy's Ultimate DH Sarkoth Script (8-16s FULL runs!)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by carguy, Jun 16, 2012.

    1. carguy

      carguy Member

      Jan 21, 2010
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      Carguy's Ultimate Sarkoth Script (8-16s FULL runs!) [Updated: 6/18/12]

      ======================Overview==================== ======
      So after some great great ideas from icool and his DH script, I decided to make my own...using vaults for the ENTIRE route, for a grand total of SEVEN vaults.

      **IT WILL WORK FOR OTHER CLASSES!!** It just is optimized for DH's due to vault. I will try to make other versions later when I get some time.

      It's 100% optimized. Sarkoth runs can't get faster than this. Literally the ONLY way you can get faster is if your char can one shot Sarkoth every time. The best you can do with this script, without hacks, is ~600kgph. I haven't seen any other profile that rivals this atm. Anyone who says they are doing better is either using a disconnect hack or are completely full of shit.

      Average fail (no cellar) ~ 8-9s
      Average Completion (with cellar) ~ 16s -18s
      (I even get 15s sometimes)

      **UPDATE 6/18/12 - I'm at 575-600k GPH @ max 364% gold find.**

      Sample log with 315% gf

      Initial[22:40:42.180 N] Leaving game, reason: Run is OVARY!
      [22:40:42.180 N] Profile completed
      [22:40:42.476 N] Loaded profile Carguy's Ultimate Sarkoth v1.0
      [22:40:42.476 N] Number of games completed:108
      [22:40:42.480 N] Last run acquired 10625 gold.
      [22:40:42.481 N] Current Gold per Hour: 515521
      [22:40:42.481 N] [Icool's Sarkoth farm helper v0.1] Left Game
      [22:40:42.481 N] [Icool's Sarkoth farm helper v0.1] Cellars found in 56/108 games!
      [22:40:42.481 N] [Icool's Sarkoth farm helper v0.1] This Run took: 15s

      Update after 6 hours of run time:
      [09:41:22.300 N] Number of games completed:1054
      [09:41:22.960 N] Last run acquired 0 gold.
      [09:41:22.962 N] Current Gold per Hour: 561504

      =====================Setup======================== ========

      1) Setup your skills as follows - Skill setup for me (40 disc, 0 ms) is as follows: Hungering arrow (devouring), Cluster arrow (Loaded for bear), Caltrops (Carved Stakes), Vault (Rattling roll), Preparation (Invigoration), Companion (ferrets). Passives should be grenadier, sharpshooter, tactical advantage

      There are some slight variations you can use, depending on how much disc you have. Less than 40, you should be using Vault (Tumble) to be able to tumble the entire way. Over 40 disc, you can adjust your Caltrops to use either (hooked spikes) or (Tortuous Ground) if you'd like.

      2) Make sure you are using the latest DB (currently .160)

      3) Download the modified DemonHunter.cs below. Replace the existing on in your <DB FOLDER>/routines/belphagore/routines/demonhunter.cs

      4) Figure out what your move speed is, then download the appropriate script below (0ms/12ms/25ms)

      5) If using v1.4 and above (recommended) of the script, download latest EMC plugin here - http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/plugins/57348-emcbehaviors-advanced-behaviors.html or get it below.

      If using version 1.3c and below, download iCools sarkoth plugin and MSFix plugin below and install it in <DB FOLDER>/plugins

      7) Figure out what loot rules you want to use, either download below or just find another thread with a good one.
      Here is a good list if you don't like the one I attached. - http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...ewelry-60-magic-items-among-other-things.html

      8) Start the bot. Select your downloaded script from load profile. Put in the path for the loot rules you chose.

      9) ONLY IF using v1.3c and below, set the loot/combat radius. I recommend 30/15 (get some + radius gear).

      10) Make sure you have selected Act 1 - Q2 - Explore the cellar. Zone in and head west from the waypoint. Slightly past the dead guard you will hit a "Checkpoint". Go back to char select screen.

      11) Start the bot. Rainbows should shoot out of your computer.

      -My stats are:
      364% GF
      29k DPS without ss
      0 MS
      40 disc
      +15 yard pickup radius
      Using 1.3c - 0ms profile
      Using "loot only legendary and rare jewerly" loot rules.
      Using Templar follower

      I'm pulling in close to 625-650k gph

      -This is mainly for Demon Hunters. It'll work just fine for other classes, it just wont be as fast since it's directly using vault.

      -This bot works best with at least 40 disc. Get a quiver or chestpiece with some +disc (you can get +10 per item)

      -Any MS will work with this, find the version closest to your ms.

      -Again, It's a good idea to at least have a little +radius gear so your character doesn't run around picking up gold after the kill


      Q: Why is there delays in between vaults?
      A: It's the bot itself, I can't do anything more with the profile.

      Q: Why isn't it repairing correctly? WHY DO HE SIT IN TOWN AND DISCONNEKT?
      A: It's the bot itself, I can't do anything more with the profile.

      Q: Why isn't it salvaging correctly?
      A: It's the bot itself, I can't do anything more with the profile.Best b et (until DB gets fixed) is to use a loot rules that picks up minimal loot such as "loot legendary and only rare jewelry"

      Q: Why isn't it stashing correctly?
      A: It's the bot itself, I can't do anything more with the profile. Best bet (until DB gets fixed) is to use a loot rules that picks up minimal loot such as "loot legendary and only rare jewelry"

      Q: My guy is looting the guard in the beginning, wtf?
      A: Lower loot radius to 15 or so on the bot itself, and get some +radius gear. Also in db version .158 on, there is a inherent 2 sec delay in the start built in to the bot. Will need a plugin to work around this.

      Q: My bot is running to the hut after dying in the cellar, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??!?!??!111
      A: It's DBs pathing. You can try to up dps to kill Sarkoth faster. In probably 20k runs, I can't remember the last time I died on this with 22k dps (pre-sharp shooter). Alternatively, use MSFix plugin; attached below or found here - http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...fix-adrias-hut-avoidance-death-restarter.html

      Q: Why is my stupid guy spamming Ferrets in the beginning of the run?
      A: Make sure you have downloaded the latest DemonHunter.cs file below and overwrote the one in your Belphagore's Routine directory. (This requires a restart of the bot)

      Q: Why isn't it summoning Ferrets?
      A: Find the lines:

      <!-- Summon ferrets -->
      <UsePower questId="1" powerId="133695" />

      and add:

      <WaitTimer questId="1" waitTime="50" />

      <!-- Summon ferrets -->
      <UsePower questId="1" powerId="133695" />

      If that doesn't work, increase waitTime="50" to waitTime="200". Also, although obvious, make sure your DH has Ferrets on your hot key bar.

      Q: Anything I can do to prevent from dying while TPing?
      A: I did what i could with the script, working on a plugin now to help fix this issue. Sit tight and use 1.3c for now.

      Q: Where do I start this?
      A: Make sure you have selected Act 1 - Q2 - Explore the cellar. Zone in and head west from the waypoint. Slightly past the dead guard you will hit a "Checkpoint". Go back to char select screen then and start the bot from there.

      Q: I'm getting error "Element EnableCombat is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<EnableCombat questId="1" stepId="1" />) Line 57" when starting the bot. WAT?
      A: You are using a older version of the profile, use 1.3b or 1.3c
      . Also, be sure to delete the CombatBehavior plugin from your plugins directory (physically delete it) and restart the bot. Should fix it.

      Q: Why do I get stupid pop up messages occasionally?
      A: I have no idea. Use this plugin to help mitigate the issue.

      Q: How can I make it loot X or Y?

      A: Check out this thread for some good loot rule options -

      Q: Why is my guy attacking everything on the way to the cellar?
      A: You probably do not have iCools plugin installed / enabled.

      Q: Why does my guy TP halfway through the run sometimes (only after 4 vaults)?
      A: The cellar only spawns 50% of the time, this is normal.

      ===================Donations====================== ==
      Some have asked about this. I won't ever publicly ask for donations; do not ever feel inclined to do so. I get satisfaction enough in knowing I've helped people. Still if you feel so inclined to donate, Ill put a list of donators on this main page and give you priority to ANY of the test scripts, plugins, and loot rules I come out with as a token of my thanks. Just be sure to pass me your forum name (or email). Donate link below:


      ===================Changelog====================== ==
      v1.0-40disc - Made for DHs with 40 disc (uses prep after then 4th vault instead of 5th). Make sure to rune Prep with invigoration if using this version! I'm currently using 30 kill range 15 loot radius with this one. Gear is as follows 358% gf, 0 increase ms, 22k damage, 40 max disc, 17 yard radius. Adjust accordingly on your stats! I wrote this with ZERO MS, it's ideal you have the same as vaults apparently are affected by your characters ms.

      v1.2 - (0ms/12ms/25ms) - Should work regardless of your move speed, pick the version closest to what you use. You still need at least 40 disc (with invigorate prep rune) and tactical advantage passive.

      v1.3 - (0ms/12ms/25ms) - Added new profiles to work with Superreeen's new profile tag plugin. The bot should now respond intelligently before TPing out (should save on MOST deaths). **DOES NOT WORK WITH LATEST VERSIONS OF DB***

      1.3b - Seems like there is an issue with CombatBehaviour Plugin. Use these until the plugin is fixed.
      Also, if you are using the latest Belph, make sure you re-download the DemonHunter.cs from below.

      1.3c - Temp fix to add a tad more survivability. Need 40+ disc and Caltrops with carved spikes for it to work well. Get the new versions below.

      v1.4 - See here for download and instructions for now, will detail this main post later. Need some feedback first.

      v2.0 - Many, many changes. See here! You should ONLY need EMC's latest plugin now. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...th-script-8-16s-full-runs-154.html#post603608

      v2.1 - Same as 2.0, except cellar detection is 1 vault quicker. Might shave some time off. Attached below. If you are running in to issues getting attacked a lot more with this one, use 2.0.

      v2.1b - Some were having issues with latest EMC plugin and 2.1, so 2.1b strips some functionality out. Try it here if you're having problems with 2.1. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...th-script-8-16s-full-runs-159.html#post605557

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jul 2, 2012
      unit420 and segafreakone like this.
    2. Tier539

      Tier539 New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      Sorry about all the edits. It started working again. :p Great job. gph went up 50k hpg.
      Last edited: Jun 16, 2012
    3. ikw

      ikw New Member

      Jun 15, 2012
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      Nice job carguy! Btw why not salvaging 60 items?. Infernal essences are 2k each while drops are 1k each.
    4. lozer

      lozer New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Very fast for my first 20 runs. Will leave it running overnight to see how well it works.

      [10:15:35.400 N] Number of games completed:1289
      [10:15:35.903 N] Last run acquired 3898 gold.
      [10:15:35.904 N] Current Gold per Hour: 294393

      Ran overnight with no problems at all. Nice profile!
      Last edited: Jun 17, 2012
    5. carguy

      carguy Member

      Jan 21, 2010
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      I just never added to it. What loot rules are you using for that? I'll add it to the OP and credit you. It's a good idea, i just never did it before.
    6. Milkshakes00

      Milkshakes00 Member

      May 9, 2012
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      Bot is going nuts fast now! :D

      Only problem I see is that the bot thinks it leaves two games every time, so while it says it's found the cellar 8/12 times, it's actually found it closer to 5/8 times. D:
    7. Zoinx

      Zoinx Active Member

      Mar 8, 2010
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      carguy likes this.
    8. jimmyzxcd

      jimmyzxcd New Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      where can I find 113 version of DB?
      can only find 100 and the 118 beta version :(
    9. mykitty

      mykitty New Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      are you guys having problem with selling/stashing/salvage etc? its always stuck on loop in stash, or can't click the salvage

      atm i just don't loot any blues, cuz that is bugging out :(
    10. obl927

      obl927 New Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      yea same here stuck ;o
    11. Blast

      Blast New Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      Wow this is great, thanks
    12. lolwatpear

      lolwatpear New Member

      Jun 13, 2012
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      is it supposed to sell blues/non jewelry rares, because it's not?
    13. JoshW

      JoshW New Member

      Jun 25, 2011
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      Just thought i'd say.. AMAZING JOB!
    14. jimmyzxcd

      jimmyzxcd New Member

      Jun 16, 2012
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      using the 118 beta version now, it works so far.
    15. mykitty

      mykitty New Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      sometimes i am dying when there is no cellar and i port after 4th vault, but there are mobs around me and rape me.

      is it possible to kill them before i port?
    16. Tier539

      Tier539 New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      Anyway to prevent it from wanting to run all the way back to the town if it dies inside the cave?
    17. termite

      termite New Member

      Jun 11, 2012
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      Got it working. However when attacked (when no cellar) the bot is doing nothing just standing there.

      Also when it comes to gems i think this is what we want, since crafting each time cost 20k (AH lower):

      I need like 5-6 shots to kill Sakoth.
      Last edited: Jun 17, 2012
    18. Tier539

      Tier539 New Member

      May 30, 2011
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      Maybe a way to restart the script if it hasnt entered the cellar in the last two minutes?
    19. itsmemario

      itsmemario Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      why does everyone insist on using tac adv. you dont benefit from it unless you use evasive fire
    20. Aubo

      Aubo New Member

      Jun 4, 2012
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      Bot isn't using Cluster Arrow with this profile.

      Downloaded all the attached settings. Everything else works (Vaulting, ferret), but it refuses to use Cluster Arrow, only Hungering Arrow.

      I tried swapping Cluster Arrow to Mouse2, and Hungering Arrow to Mouse1, but it still didn't work.

      Any ideas?

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