doing more testing with keep depths, theres still a number of destructables giles attempts to attack and hangs at for a while. ill add more as i come across them
I was just about to reply with a "You forgot the SNO's!" And then I noticed the status bar-pastes at the top - perfect. Thanks! I will get these all sorted for next release, keep them coming, that's the perfect screenshot for me
bumping this because you added these kinds of things to hashSNOIgnoreBlacklist and not hashDestructableLocationTarget. 54191, 56341, 54952, 54413, 56416, 54477, 53802, 54515, 53957, 54025, 54926 theyre all destructables that get in the way in keep depths (ladders, chairs, beds etc), all things you cant "click on" to destroy.
bump again. trinity 1.6.2 hashDestructableLocationTarget with keep depths destructables added Code: // Destructible things that need targeting by a location instead of an ACDGUID (stuff you can't "click on" to destroy in-game) private static readonly HashSet<int> hashDestructableLocationTarget = new HashSet<int> { 170657, 116409, 121586, 155255, 54191, 56341, 54952, 54413, 56416, 54477, 53802, 54515, 53957, 54025, 54926, }; in addition 52833 needs to be removed from hashSNOIgnoreBlacklist (its a clickable barrel). these things all cause issues with stucks, although they dont actually give any loot its still much faster to simply destroy them then it is to wait for the unstucker to kick in.