Here you are Mount Hyjal Herbs-Mines Run v.2.0 Tested for herbs and nodes I hope that you will like it Enjoy for this profile choose CIRCLE path mode from GB options this profile is a rebuild of this one{450-475}.html Updated:10/12/2010 dont forget to use the badnodes.xml (just paste it in your Gb main folder)
At the Gates of Sothann it was in combat and tried to kill the flight master, then it found an herb underwater where it got stuck. I pulled it out but it leveling herbalism very quickly for a profile Personal rating 4 of 5 stars. Also runs into mountains but it fixes itself in a couple seconds.
Looks like my only death is a result of a poorly geared character. After an hour or so I'll have more details if its anything other than much improved! Thanks
Does your badNodes remove the node thats next to the boss over in the scorched plain? In the middle of the map north of sulfuron spire. Don't have the node coords but know that I have died multiple times to him. Lol
Am I the only one that dies every 5 minutes to the gatekeeper boss, probably same as the guy above.. when the boss isnt there, i fly fine for the whole time
Ran this for about 15 minutes. Died twice to nodes where there was 3-5 people around. I'll get coords in a few.
The gatekeeper boss has a Cinderbloom node next to it at ( 4274.792, -3344.342, 1020.877 ) Also the badnodes on the original post has coords with commas in it.. do commas work in bad nodes locs?
Ok, I loaded my map and took screenshot, my character is right ontop of the elite naga boss.. thats the main problem area I notice.. there are of course others but I'll have to look for them again.. the other spots arent so much a problem if the program wouldnt target the lost wardens (green npcs) while being blown up by scorchlords