Amani Berserker and Chillwind Yeti have low priority always and are therefore almost never played on curve. They should have normal priority.
Ragnaros is always high priority, causing clashes with situationally high priority cards (e.g., Big Game Hunter). Perhaps there should be another level of priority such as "Must be played" (mirroring "Must not be played"). Also, when choosing to play cards of equal priority, mana efficiency should decide which card(s) is played
I played Eaglehorn Bow (gives my hunter 3 attack) and if the enemy has a 3/3 taunt, it will get hung up trying to attack the hero and just keep trying to attack the hero for the entire turn and do nothing. Won't attack the taunt... Trading is still insanely terrible for this bot, all it does is attack face. If the enemy has a 5/3 and I have a 3/1 charge, it will drop it and attack face. lol
Playing Jaina, the bot used Fireblast (Hero skill) on my own minion to remove its Divine Shield, suppose you've missed something there. My oponent even used the 'Thank You' emote! Anyways, I know what the word beta includes, so I just wanna say; keep up the good work.
The bot attempts to "coin out" Mountain Giant, which isn't possible. And then proceeds to check card-in-hand priorities until timer runs out.
This is extremely niche, but we probably want to "ignore" Millhouse Manastorm in our hand if there's an opposing Archmage Antonidas in play. Had it happen today. edit: BTW - I don't care if this is never implemented. I just think it's funny
Bot drops Leeroy on field and attacks whelp with it ;D He also dropped arcane golem and hit the other whelp with it. Leeroy and Arcane golem should have priority on attacking face because it's why you use them most of the times.
Enemy played Onyxia - bot used all his minions to kill few whelps instead of attacking onyxia, and he had 14 attack on his board (the bot board). Also that was probably mentioned - bot tries to attack hero with weapon when there is a opponent taunt creature. He loops and after a few tries he ends turn.
I think it would be very great for new users to have an option "casual" mode because it seems like nobody knows how to start the bot in casual mode.
Enemy has 5 HP. I am a hunter. Enemy has no taunt creature. Argent Commander on the hand (4 Attack + Charge) + Champion Ability (2 dmg) = 6 dmg = enemy dead. Bot chooses to trade argent commander into northshire cleric.
illidan logic: I would like him to have logic that he is only played when we have a taunt on the board or we can play an additional card after him same turn kind of like the coin logic if we play illidan can we play another card that second card should have any priority to make use of illidans proc. I just feel when the bot plays him on turn 6 he gets focused down so fast not utilizing its potential.
attacking a taunt logic: bot gets health of opponents taunt then logic should be this is attacking minions attack equal to health if yes then attack if no is attacking minions attack greater than health if yes attack if no check if theres other minions that can attack if yes rerun logic with new attacker if no attack this should keep the bot from attacking a taunt of 5 health with a 2 attack followed by a 5 attack
I Agree that a priority kill list is needed. There are several minions that just spiral out of control when left alive. Lightwell is definitely one of them. Questing Adventurer is another. It could be another layer of taunt --- like super taunt. If we treated them exactly like they had taunt that would still be a major improvement.
If you can kill an enemy with a fireball, be it the magic card or the mage hero ability, the bot often wastes a polymorph card first and then still kills the same target he could have killed without polymorph as well. Also it often uses strong creatures like let's say a 6/5 to kill a 2/1 minion and then use our own 1/1 minion to attack the enemy hero. Also there are moments when we have 8/10 mana and do not play additional minions like a raidleader because we are too strict about conditions. Instead of wasting the mage hero ability to damage enemy minions the bot might also want to finish off the enemy by using friendly fire on Gurubashi Berserker - Card - Hearthstone