Hello, I am new to Honorbuddy and I am trying to set it up to mail several items to different alts example : elementium ore -> ALT1 whiptail -> ALT2 Is there an addon for this and how do I set it up to automail? I tried to add tradeskillmaster mailer but I dont know how to make the bot run to the mailbox and use the addon, can someone help me out with an answer on this? Thanks in advance
trust me i've put in a request for this but never got a response. at the moment . it will only send mail to one alt. if you are using Gatherbuddy2 click on "Bot config"( make sure Enhanced mode is enabled) Than click on Gather and look at the bottom
Yea, I figured that on my own. I used pirox before and I am trying to learn honorbuddy now. With pirox I entered a code in the profile and with the auction profit master addon enabled I could mail items exactly like I described above. I was wondering if this is possible with honorbuddy also.
anything is possible.. just has to be figured out with honorbuddy. i think there would have to be a plugin created for this to work. just take a look at the wiki and maybe you can figure it out ( i'm not a profile developer just passing word )
You can also add a line in your profile to change mail recipent before sending the item: Code: CharacterSettings.Instance.MailRecipient = "RecipentDummy";