For all those like me who are nearly went mad trying to find the Entry Code What is an Entry Code? is the code that recognizes autoangler to ensure that HB draw circles and only in certain pools! How to use these code entry? is Simple! Create your own personal profile with open the txt file of the profile, and add the following command: <FishingSchool Entry="Entry Code" Name="Name Fish"/> and replace the part "Code Entry" and "Name Fish" with the data written under For example: You want your character only Highland Guppy fish? add this command to your profile. txt <FishingSchool Entry="202777" Name="Highland Guppy"/> You want your character only Fathom Eel fish? add this command to your profile. txt <FishingSchool Entry="202780" Name="Fathom Eel"/> is simple Here are all the Code Entry I found! /// Cataclysm /// ---------------- /// Albino Cavefish - Entry: 202778 /// Algaefin Rockfish - Entry: 202781 /// Blackbelly Mudfish - Entry: 202779 /// Fathom Eel - Entry: 202780 /// Highland Guppy - Entry: 202777 /// Mountain Trout - Entry: 202776 /// Pool of Fire - Entry: 207734 /// Shipwreck Debris - Entry: 207724 /// ---------------- /// Wrath of the Lichking /// ---------------- /// Borean Man O' War / Boreanische Galeeren - Entry: 192051 /// Deep Sea Monsterbelly / Tiefseemonsterbauch - Entry: 192053 /// Dragonfin Angelfish / Engelsdrachenfisch - Entry: 192048 /// Fangtooth Herring / Fangzahnhering - Entry: 192049 /// Glacial Salmon / Winterlachs - Entry: 192050 /// Glassfin Minnow / Glasflossenelritze - Entry: 192059 /// Imperial Manta Ray / Imperialer Mantarochen - Entry: 192052 /// Moonglow Cuttlefish / Mondlichtsepia - Entry: 192054 /// Musselback Sculpin / Muschelr?ckengroppe - Entry: 192046 /// Nettlefish / Nesselfisch - Entry: 192057 /// ---------------- /// Burning Crusade /// ---------------- /// Bluefish / Ein Schwarm Blauflossen - Entry: 182959 /// Brackish Mixed / Brackwasserschwarm - Entry: 182954 /// Highland Mixed / Hochlandschwarm - Entry: 182957 /// Mudfish /Ein Schwarm Matschflosser - Entry: 182958 /// Pure Water / Reines Wasser - Entry: 182951 /// Darter / Ein Schwarm Stachelflosser - Entry: 182956 /// Sporefish / Ein Schwarm Sporenfische - Entry: 182953 /// Steam Pump Flotsam / Treibgut der Dampfpumpe - Entry: 182952 I hope I was useful, a greeting from Doky86
Unfortunately, there are pools of Lavascale Lavascale I can only catch them in the lava, and have a low% of Dropp