So I was doing Battleground and Mining... When I checked my screen (as I occasionly do) I then saw that I was in Desolace... from Uldum, that's quite a distance... I thought that it might have been the camel (bot clicks on it and it Teleported you) but no camel record in NPCScan which was running at the time, trying to see what else it could have been and it all comes down to the fact that I was teleported by a GM to test to see what I would do and if I would go back to Uldum (which is what my bot was doing until I intervened and then used Hearthstone, and then went to AH to act like a normal person). I was botting in Uldum for about 3 days prior... as you can see in the log the bot adds "Emberstrife" which is located in Desolace - Emberstrife - NPC - World of Warcraft You can also see the profile I was running was for Uldum only, and ProfessionBuddy was also running and set to RepairInCity = True (so it shouldn't have ran out, also my gear is very good and didn't need repairs). Dunno If I will be banned or not but I did try to act human by just Hearthing and going to Auction House. I was also thinking about making a plugin to detect teleports but thought it was rare... going to make that plugin, since it will just be a distance check every 5 seconds shouldn't be too hard to make.
Most likely you got teleported due to camel, NPCScan only alerts if you don't have it in cache, if you already have it in cache you dont get any warning.
I was banned after failing to respond to a few GM teleports (also in Uldum)....even though I was sitting there watching the teleports happen (didn't realize it was a GM until it was too late, and I was banned). A plugin to alert you when you get a sudden teleport would be awesome and most useful.
Mysterious Camel Figurine should be highlighted but it's not, I have also not cleared my cache in weeks.
It is not highlighted cause you are not on it's continent, these people nowadays just bot and forgot how game works The highlight its just for the continent you are on at the moment, the only way to see if you have it cached or not is by entering the zone, it shows on chat which units you have cached.
There is no X near the left side in Cache which shows that it is cached, see JadeFang... that's in Deepholm and it's cached, I don't need to be in Deepholm to see it's cached so it should also be the same with Mysterious Camel Figurine.
Lately bot has been doing some strange things, my bot was doing Mount Hyjal and ended up in Uldum, and I was only using an Hyjal profile, that was like 1 week ago.
Yea but if I don't have a video of your face with the reaction when it happened, then it obviously didn't.
If you did make a plugin to detect teleports, it would probably be nice to have it kill the bot after it hearths you. Maybe it could log you out, but then again, I'd prefer to stay logged in but just have the bot killed. Just me thinking out loud, nothing more.
Not sure if sarcastic, since there are many of these, and the functionality is even built right into rarekiller.
Same happened to me. Was botting in Uldum, looked away for two seconds, looked back and was in Westfall.
I don't believe any of you. Until I see a video or a screenshot of it happening, I won't believe it. I've used the bot on low pop, medium pop, high pop, and full servers for hours and hours on end, and I've never seen anything like that happen.
Believe whatever you want. I went from Uldum to Westfall graveyard in under 10 seconds. There are better things to lie about.
This has happened me twice too. i got ported to westfall from Uldum another time i got ported to Dun morogh from Deepholm. still havent been banned *touch wood*
This is when the game doesnt register where you are, you either died and it lagged while in the loading screen landing you there or you somehow fell through the world Its happened to me many times over the years, failing with noclip things especially, i once fell through the floor in aq 40 and ended up in westfall hordes version is the graveyard next to crossroads
That happens because Westfall graveyard is some kind of default graveyard. If at some time the game doesn't know where to send your body or such it sends you there. (Just goole "Westfall graveyard" to confirm it.