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  • I honestly can't believe this

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by kyvari, Sep 26, 2012.

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    1. kyvari

      kyvari New Member

      Nov 4, 2010
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      Ok, I'm not one to usually straight up QQ about something, but I really feel this is necessary. Its been like 4 weeks now, and everything is still broke. I will make out a simple list of things that still don't work instead of typing it all out in a paragraph.

      -Archaeology buddy
      -Quest bot
      -Autoequip (completely necessary)
      -BG buddy

      Once again this is NOT QQing. I just want honest answers from devs. What are you guys working on? What is the status? With MoP out, this stuff should not be this broke. For reals.

      Now, I will try to explain why I think these things are broken.

      Dungeonbuddy - Obviously I think they even state this isn't fixed yet. But 1-60 dungeons should work no? But they don't. Bot just leaves at beginning. Sad panda.

      Archaeology buddy - Bots get stuck. Stuckstuck stuck. Was running this on 5 completely different bots and all got stuck at same area (and they all started out different places and different times so it wasnt lag or any other bs)

      Quest bot - JUST ON ALLIANCE HUMAN SIDE (kicks 1-85 pack SVN updated everyday) LOL - level 18 quest to use orb on big guys to control them to move the rock off bridge is broke. Level 38 or somewhere around there the quest with the cannon aiming and firing is broke. Around 41 quest with doll that picks up the 3 parts it doesnt put it together to finish quest so it endlessly farms for the doll. And there was a few more but I can't remember them off the top of my head. Its a bitch to sit there and watch it and manually fix all these things when you run 9 bots (I do 3 time lifetimer here). And I've only made it to level 43 since MoP came out with this profile so I don't even know whats broke from 43 up. Also worgen starting profile is just terrible.

      But I did do a cata profile, and within 5 minutes the Hijal profile messed up, supposed to use berries on the dragon fly things to make the invis mobs appear, doesn't work.

      Autoequip- Herp derp lol

      BG Buddy - can't que in groups. They other party members bots just stop. no clue why but group leader keeps trucking. Happens after every BG. Also they randomly stop every once in a while. Also attacking pandarens in starting area. Also they all run same paths making it look SUPER bottish (lol watching 6 82 bots of mine take the same exact path in a bg, no we arent bots (thank god for AV where nobody can tell))

      Profession buddy - I know this is very comprehensive so I'm not gonna say much other than i don't really know anything about its development, but I wish we had it.

      Random ANNOYING issues - If you load up 9 wows at once then start doing the HB's, after 1 or 2 they stop wanting to attach. So I have to either start up a wow and an honorbuddy, or start all 9 wows and 1 honorbuddy but make it START the profile then start another hb. You cant start 9 wows and hbs then start all at same time because they wont attach. This is annoying when I have 9 chars I'm wanting to sync up.

      I'm not even sure about gatherbuddy, been way too focused on leveling, but man I really love this bot, I just want everything to work.

      I love the devs and mods and I appreciate your work, but I've seen posts from you guys saying the bot is all working and nobody should have issues but that is really not the case. Some of these features are why I've spent the money i have spent. 330 USD is alot of money, and this is a great bot so when it is in its prime it is worth every cent. But right now its not worth 30 bucks sorry.

      Quite honestly, if I could just spend 50 bucks right now to fix everything and work right, I would in a heart beat.
      noamchomsky likes this.
    2. nameca2

      nameca2 Member

      Dec 27, 2010
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      I would say compared to where the botting community used to be, to where it is now, that we are much better off. Yes somethings are glitchy but for a long time questing on a bot was a laughable achievement. Now, with a little bit of monitoring it is possible. I don't know what to say other then, I hope these things get fixed.

      I still am overall happy with the product sure beats the hell out of grinding by hand. :)
    3. Raychelc

      Raychelc New Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      I use HB primarily for Lazy Raider (I like to actively control the character and just love the edge it gives)

      Though I have followed all the instructions, Lazy Raider will no longer even show on HB menu when I open it. And..that's when I CAN open it. mostly I get an error message and it shuts right down. I have updated it, run the SVN updates, etc.

      I e mailed customer service but got only a very rude, useless reply so I cancelled my second and new subscription to HB.

      I still have the first and would love for it to work, but with zero customer service help and the same errors constantly, it's not looking good. And yes, I have tried launching the 32 bit, the launcher, etc...from the folder and not the desktop, and am running everything as administrator.

      This sucks.

      I'm looking into other bots, but..none of them seem to offer a hands-on approach.

      If anyone knows of one that offers something like Lazyraider and is up and running for MoP, I am ALL ears! I can be reached at Icanhazemail*at AOL dot com (minus the asterik, naturally)
    4. kyvari

      kyvari New Member

      Nov 4, 2010
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      Yes I have same issue when hitting bot settings when trying to use lazyraider... But that is Bobby's territory, and he has a shaman CC and lazyraider to update and stuff, he gets very busy and probably hasn't had time to update it. If you hit ignore errors and continue anyways it will work. Try this.

      That is one of the major problems with a community driven bot. All the plugins, some bot bases, and most profiles are done by people who are not paid by bosslands. This bot is completely not feasible without the many hours of dedication the community must put into it. Just think if we didn't have profile makers, we wouldn't have any grinding profiles, no herb/ore profiles, no pvp plugins, no glue, no nothing really (It was a VERY smart move to hire kick, that helped tremendously with this issue)

      Thanks everybody!

      Also just found another quest in Hijal that wouldn't go on because he needed to click item in bag :p
    5. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      This is your first post on this page, really?
      You are moaning about support, prior to ever posting any issues?

      Are you serious?
      And you are moaning about a part of HB which isnt a "part" of HB. It is a User written Botbase by Bobby.

      And again, are you serious?
      You email the support, where it clearly says this:

      A not working botbase is NOT an issue to mail to the support.

      So stop complaining about stuff before even asking for help.
      (Btw. Lazyraider is just another version of Combat Bot and combat bot is ALWAYS in your newest release.)


      You are right, we are far from where we were prior to the 5.X patch in some cases, but we will get there again.

      You are looking the wrong way at this.

      It is one of the MAJOR strengths of HB to have such a community which works together and have a fully available API, so you can basically do anything you want.

      But yeah, this is my point of view. ;)
      Last edited: Sep 26, 2012
    6. Raychelc

      Raychelc New Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      I wish it would let me click to ignore the error, but it's just the option to send the report or not to send..then it shuts down.

      It worked so well for months, but ever since that patch, not at all, really.

      Ah, well.
    7. Raychelc

      Raychelc New Member

      Sep 26, 2012
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      Excuse me for not knowing every single thing about this service, but rude replies (like yours) don't really help anyone, much less direct them to the steps they can take to resolve issues such as HB crashing. I have read other threads about similar issues, but have not found a solution there.

      And yeah, this is my first post under this page, so what? I used this page to download CCs, read about issues others were having, and mainly to check, and check and check when the date for MoP kept being put off.

      We do PAY for this service, you know. For that, one might actually expect it to work.

      Silly us!
    8. buzzerbeater

      buzzerbeater Well-Known Member

      Mar 21, 2011
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      You dont get my point.
      It is what you wrote in your first post, not that you posted for the first time.

      You have read the forum many times like you just stated, so you should know how to open a proper support topic, so pointing you in a direction you already know, is useless.

      Wow you are coming up with the "We pay, has to work without issues" card, I'm done, sorry.

    9. kyvari

      kyvari New Member

      Nov 4, 2010
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      But lets please not get this twisted, I love our devs and I love our community, I appreciate work from both. I absolutely LOVE the fact it is open source and the community CAN make profiles and do all that stuff. It is great. It is indeed a major strength.

      My only point was that there are very few official profiles/plugins/stuff. Yeah Tony made some gathering profiles, which were amazing. Yes Kickass is the most amazing quest profile maker. Yeah Raphus and others made that buddycenter plugin.

      Everyone is doing great things, I'm just saying I've read a lot of communities developers are getting pissed off and are not wanting to dev anymore, and indeed quite a few devs have stopped. I'm just worried at some point we may have a lack of community devs.

      But love to everyone. And I hope we get back to the good ole botting days :p
    10. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Unfortunately, we can't help that some developers are just plain lazy, and don't want to update their stuff to work with the new API changes. We've been working very hard to keep most things backwards-compatible, and have. We had to reorganize quite a few things, because they were simply out of place, or didn't belong somewhere. (Eg; why was QuestFrame in the "Inventory" namespace. Stuff like that made no sense) We figured with the new xpac, was the best time to do a mass cleanup so we (hopefully) won't have to touch it again.

      As far as questing goes, QuestBot does work fine 99.9% of the time. Some quests do require some extra attention now, due to Blizzard changing how things worked (this is why we originally added the ability to "override" a quest objective, in the off-chance that the bot doesn't get it right by using what WoW gives us). Unfortunately, Kick is moving house, so he's not around to update his profiles.

      AutoEquip will be getting fixed either today, or tomorrow. I need to go through and update all the inventory slot stuff, for the new changes. (No more relics, thrown weapons, etc)
    11. Lister

      Lister New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      @ Apoc when is it possible to run BG Buddy again? in Version 435 it worket fine bit since the 25th i cant use the 435 Version anymore....

      Same is it with a Monk to do anything
    12. BadTank

      BadTank New Member

      Sep 2, 2012
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      Thanks for the update Apoc! I must say to the poster of this thread that it was a very well put and very respectful post. Way better than all the others that have been complaining left and right.
    13. mordacai

      mordacai New Member

      Aug 14, 2012
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      I posted this the other day but I wouldn't expect everything to be working for at least a few more weeks. I'm not complaining, but that's just the way it is. The devs should have just come out when 5.0.4 hit and said they won't have it ready for for at least a couple months to prevent people from complaining heavily.
    14. ederting

      ederting New Member

      Mar 25, 2012
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      @Apoc, you know we all love you and kick cause you're the only ones that actually answers to public topics, right? btw thank you very much for the updates.

      @OT, I agree with you, man. It makes me sad to look at my bots with MOP expansion and ready to make tons of gold, and still not working 100% :/
    15. SquidlyDidly

      SquidlyDidly New Member

      May 19, 2012
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      I don't see what is such a big deal, you could of forgotten about botting for the last 4 weeks while its been down and enjoyed some fresh air, have you enjoyed fresh air ? tell me you have
    16. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      Whether you say it is or not has no bearing on the fact that the content *IS* QQing.

      So here's default helpdesk answer #56:
      "Do you want some cheese with that?"
    17. CutePro

      CutePro New Member

      Nov 9, 2010
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      Wait, what?!?!?!
    18. lphomiej

      lphomiej Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Why would someone go to the support forums when they've said, "here are the things that aren't working yet: [and listed out those things in the op]."

    19. sinnth3tik

      sinnth3tik New Member

      Apr 9, 2012
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      Horde side I've had minimal issues with questbot. Yeah there are moments when I have to take manual control to get a quest finished so the bot can proceed but I have no issue about that. The main complaint you all are having is that you can't walk away from your computers for hours at a time. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
    20. joeverton

      joeverton New Member

      Nov 27, 2011
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      I dont know what Bot your using then Apoc because mine runs like a three legged retarded pig, I agree with the original post , this Bot is way overdue being a finished product, i for one have shown patience but you are starting to take the piss to be honest. As for blaming developers can you blame them doing sod all because everytime the update their work you release another update that completely fkks them up again. I think Dev crew seriously needs to pull their fingers out here as this is simply not a good enough service for paying customers.
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