Hi, I would like to ask what account does Blizzard ban you when they do. If they ban whole battlenet account with more wow accounts. Or if they just ban one wow account.
I've never had them ban more than just the offending WoW account. I still play SCII through a Bnet account that has a permabanned WoW account on it.
No, they will ban any other accounts you have, unless of course you are cheating on them aswell. I also have a B-net account with a perma banned SC2 profile that I still use to play WoW.
danke f?r die antwort hatte dne beitrag leider schon editiert werde meine neue frage gleich nochmal posten
Der Ersteller fragt, ob Blizzard direkt den ganzen B.net Account bannt oder nur die einzelnen Accounts darauf. Die Antworten lauten hier alle : Nein, nur den Account auf dem "gecheatet" wurde.
My last ban was Battlenet account wide, banning 3 wow's on the one Battlenet. Won't make that mistake twice XD