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  • Ira Caeli ~ Gelu Mors Eques

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Dagradt, Mar 29, 2012.

    1. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      [Ira Caeli] Gelu Mors Eques v6.13.12(PR) (Private Beta v3.00)
      Mod Version: 7.13.12, by
      Dagradt (Coder)
      Developer Last Online: July 24th, 2012
      [HR][/HR][TABLE="class: grid, width: 500, align: center"]
      [TD]GME Version: 6.13.12(PR)
      [TD]Rating: * * * * *
      [TD]Previous Version Installs: 357
      [TD]Released: 31 March 2012
      [TD]Last Update: 13 June 2012
      [TD]v6.13.12 Installs: 1,111


      How does it work?

      Very simple, GME is a Frost Death Knight Custom Class tailored specificaly for PvP (BGs, RBGs, Arena). GME, in turn, is part of my collection of PvP CC's named "Ira Caeli ~ A PvP Custom Class Compilation" which is a new styled PvP method, this style of CC changes the way your character fights depending on "Who & What" you currently have targeted. So, to put this in more specific terms: GME will dynamically change it's fight style dependent on if you have a "Player Vs. NPC" targeted as well as the specific "Class & Specialization" of the current target (please note: NPC's will all use the highest DPS output rotation as its standard, thus the rotations will not change).


      • Dynamic rotations based on which class you are targeting
      • Dynamic rotations based on if you are targeting an NPC or a Player
      • GUI
      • All usable spells (meaning spells that should actually be used in PvP) have been implemented with the exception of Dark Simulacrum
      • One of (if not the) highest DPS'n PvP CC
      • Detailed realtime Logging
      • "Stop Combat()" Macro: used to stop Combat() & Pull() allowing you full control
      • "MultiCast()" Macro: used to cast any single spell regardless of if the GCD is ticking
      • "Self-Heal()" Macros; used to keep your under-geared pathetic ass alive
      • There are many more but I feel they are trivial compared to the above mentioned

      Differences between GME v6.13.12(PR)

      This is pretty much a replica of the GME 6.5.12 version except for the following:

      • NS always for 30% debuff
      • Framelock() removed
      • Hungering Cold removed
      • Presence swap removed
      • added activeauras (test function)
      • added rotation notes
      • mass condensing
      • added log "on or off" option

      Available Translations
      English- v1.00 - Thanks to Dagradt

      Q) How do you use this CC?
      Download the newest version below > Extract the file into your "CustomClasses" folder within the HonorBuddy directory > Done!

      Q) How do you use an SVN?
      Read the second post "Click"

      How do you use the "Stop Combat()" Macro?
      Create the following Macro ("/script Manual= not Manual;") and place it somewhere on your action bar > Press once to turn off GME's "Combat()" function > Press once more to restart GME's "Combat()" function

      Q) How do you use the "MultiCast()" Macro?
      Create the following Macros (you can create as many as you wish, but only one spell per macro):

      #showtooltip Insert Spell Here
      /script SpellName="
      Insert Spell Here";
      /script MultiCastMT=1;

      #showtooltip Insert Spell Here
      /script SpellName="
      Insert Spell Here";
      /script MultiCastFT=1;

      place them somewhere on your action bar > Press once to initiate (Note: If you press without the necessary requirements to actually cast the spell the CC will spam it until it is cast, so use wisely)

      Q) How do you use the "Self-Heal()" Macro?
      Create the following Macros:

      Raise Dead + Death Pact:
      (revision 6.XX.12)
      #showtooltip Death Pact or Raise Dead or Whatever you want
      /script SpellName="
      Death Pact";
      /script DeathPact=1;

      Lichborne + Death Coil:
      (revision 6.XX.12)
      #showtooltip Lichborne or Death Coil or Whatever you want
      /script SpellName="Death Coil
      /script LichCoil=1;

      place these somewhere on your action bar > Press once to initiate (Note: If you press without the necessary requirements to actually cast the spell the Macro will fail & you will die, so use wisely)

      How do you post a Log?
      Read the following thread "Click"

      This CC displays a copyright notification in the header of all pages which includes:

      • Soon to come
      • Soon to come
      • Soon to come
      Download Now
      [HR][/HR]Only HB licensed members can download the following file(s), Click Here for more information.

      Supporters / CoAuthors
      • My fellow LazyRaider crew ~For the collective knowledge base we created
      • Mustahg ~For his Macro functions & theory
      • Vastico ~ For his Rune CD Timer function
      [HR][/HR]Have a Screenshot you'd wish to share? Send it to me and I'll post it!

      Show Your Support
      • To receive notifications regarding updates -> Click the following to use "Ira Caeli ~ A PvP Custom Class Compilation" SVN
      • If you like this Custom Class support the author by donating.
      • This Custom Class may not be copied, modified, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission(Via HB's new rules, users may disregard the previous statement. If you do choose to use any part of this CC without asking the author, you MUST make very clear where and from which author you took it from. Failure to do so will subject you to ridicule and a beat down from the Dev's, respect the time and effort we put into these CC's and I am sure no issues will follow)

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
      Megser likes this.
    2. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      Interesting, would like to see how this compares to EzFrost.
    3. shlord

      shlord Member

      Jan 4, 2012
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      :O Ira Caeli DK frost pvp, looks so good..

      thanks man
    4. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      Please read all of the above before you download the Beta, and please give me as much feedback as possible! I am currently coding all heavy armor classes: Death Knight, Paladin, Warrior & these should be done relatively soon (remember that GME will only use two styles atm "OB & NS", I merely want to see if the base coding is correct and the community approves thus far). I will update accordingly, thank you for your time & support!

      Edit: With 3set Cata (Rest Ruth S11) GME will sustain 4Mil+
      Last edited: Apr 3, 2012
    5. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      As for a comparison with EzFrost: I'm not sure as I have never used it, but I would be interested to see if the DPS is comparable to, if not better. Other then that, the rotation will be drastically different as this CC aims to run a different strategy dependent on who you are attacking.
    6. CoreTank

      CoreTank Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      Sounds great, but the link doesn?t seem to work: Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator <-- fixed
      PS: I?m leveling a dk atm, could you tell me which level/spells i need to use this?
      Last edited: Mar 30, 2012
    7. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      Version 1.01 is released with a simple UI, no configuration yet, just the basic setup. Coding for Heavy armor classes is still underway and should be finished soon. Please give me as much feedback as possible! I will update accordingly, thank your time and support!
    8. CoreTank

      CoreTank Member

      Aug 14, 2010
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      Already looking forward to the warrior pvp-cc :)
    9. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      GME is centered around end game PvP, I am not sure if it will work for Death Knights below 85 as this is untested. NS is the highest spell used at this time, so that would be the level you would need to be in order to use this with no issue. I am afraid you may have misunderstood this CC, GME is a Death Knight Custom Class, if a warrior CC with the same functionality is requested by the community I will have no issue in reworking GME to fit those needs. When I say I am coding heavy armor classes, I mean to say I am coding how GME will fight based on which class is targeted.
    10. Morvar

      Morvar Member

      Feb 7, 2012
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      Does not work with glue (2.0) for me. But is interesting for me, cause it works with Raidbot.
      Really good is this scenario: Working with raidbot and a plugin "like"glue. ?
    11. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      RaidBot/LazyRaider are BotBases that leave movement to the user. Glue is best used with CC's and BotBases that move for you (Least to my understanding). Atm there is no movement to this CC.
    12. Morvar

      Morvar Member

      Feb 7, 2012
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      thanx for the fast answer...
      Another question: Does this CC work good with 2H Frost? Or only with DW?
    13. 11b248h

      11b248h Member

      Oct 31, 2010
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      So far this cc is outstanding. I love that it uses my dks def abilities wisely. Great Job.
    14. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      GME will work quite well with both 2H basic & DW Master Frost BG/RBG/Arena specs. Depending on your gear I would stick to 2H if your low on Cata gear, and DW if your in mostly full Cata gear OR if your running with a pocket healz. Be sure to spec and forge Master Frost if you choose to go DW!
    15. Morvar

      Morvar Member

      Feb 7, 2012
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      My DK has 390 ~Items...All PVP. At the Moment i'am playing with an 2H axe. Orc ftw...
      I will buy the two axes and give it a try.
    16. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      Thank you, I assume AMS is working correctly then, I haven't had time to test it thoroughly yet, as for Major CDs there will be options for those when I get the UI issues straightened out.
    17. Megser

      Megser Well-Known Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      I just tested it for my first time, what I think would be improvements is to:

      1. Have it cast Horn of Winter when it's not applied, maybe it is intended to, but it doesn't.
      2. When I Death Grip, also cast chains of ice on that target.
    18. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      HoW should be cast whenever it is down, It may be a prio issue. As for CoI on a DG, I have both DG and CoI codes ready t be implemented per class ( like don't CoI a target with HoF, etc.) just need to implement them. Thank you for your feedback, and I will check these tonight!
    19. RckStar

      RckStar Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      First of all, THANKS for making this CC and doin stuff that helps us, users, insanely! I don't have the knowlege and hope you get the appreciation from the devs aswell for doin this since people like you are the reason HB is so popular.

      I checked this cc in arena yesterday. It seemed to work very good on a target dummy and decent in my forst arena fights. Then it stopped doin anything in arena and i got no clue why.
      I closed HB and restarted but while using raidbot i got no response anymore. With lazyraider it seemed to work ok, but slower.
      I also seemed to do not enough damage. I couldnt get a target down on very low mmr. I manually did some froststrikes and target went down like a 'glove'.
      Then checked the cc log and it seemed to have found a warrior, while we had no warrior as opponent in our 2s arena. Weird...

      UPDATE: Just had the same problem in BH25. The CC sees the boss as a warrior and apperently only does auto attack :/

      Would also like to know if there is a recommended/needed spec(s) + glyphs for this cc or are all good?

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Apr 1, 2012
    20. Dagradt

      Dagradt Community Developer

      Jul 26, 2010
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      There is no "IsTargetBoss()" function within the CC (Seeing as the only REAL PvP boss never gets summoned in AV anymore, lol). Instead I simply use "StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.MaxHealth >= 100000", this works well for BG bosses (AB, IoC) & Siege vehicles. I can add the "IsTargetBoss()" function if the community wishes to use it for PvP raids such as "BH".

      As for Arena, are you saying that it worked at first? And then stopped working? In any case I will check into this ASAP, I am not sure if it is a RaidBot Issue or my CC (If you wish you can try out the old version "Gelu(PvP)" as I am sure the DEVs have yet to delete the thread and then let me know how that worked! Last I check it worked well in Arenas. If the thread is gone I will send you a copy...)

      Also Target Dummys and many raid bosses are checked as warriors within the "StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.Class == WoWClass."Insert Class Here", so that is correct, as for checking one in an arena with no actual warrior... lol... hmm...

      Lastly LazyRaider will work slower then RaidBot, the method I am using to detect which class you are targeting resets on every pulse (i.e. the "your target is a "XXX", switching..." spams on every pulse). This may very well be bogging down the DPS output as it must re-check and start over again on every pulse. (I am not an expert on CC writing, just have fun ideas that I think would/should work, lol).

      Thank you for your feedback! I will try to fix the issue ASAP, atm I am doing some code cleanup (taking out useless functions in hopes to speed the CC up), but will switch to see if I can't change these issues.

      Forgot to answer your last question: GME will only work with Frost of course (Least for now... Hint), it will work for 2H basic and DW Master Frost Specs.
      Last edited: Apr 1, 2012

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