Lazyraider - King of the Jungle a Feral Druid CC Thanks to xLegendx, Stree, Daorigin,CodenameG, Nomnomnom, Mahe4, Jasf10, Jvidia, Mastagh, Fiftypence,No1knowsy and Legaston for helping me out with some of the codes and ideas on how to improve all of my CC's! Feral Combat Source: Elitist Jerks - Mmo Champion - Noxxic Feral Druid Talent Build Agility > Mastery => Crit => Haste => 26 Expertise => 8% Melee Hit SVN: All in one PvE - by Shaddar, Venus112, Jasf10 and Dagradt
Frequently asked questions Why doesnt my bot work/ why does it only cast a few spells? I only support the English WoW client. So if you're using a German/Russian/French etc WoW client this CC will not work for you. Can you add a GUI so I can configure whether i want to use AoE or CD's or not? No. Does this CC work for us under level 85? I wouldn't recommend using it when your not level 85. This CC is for raiding and dungeon purposes at 85. Which bot do i use this CC with? <-- that one.
Code: #region shred private bool BehindTarget() { if (WoWMathHelper.IsBehind(Me.Location, Me.CurrentTarget.Location, Me.CurrentTarget.Rotation, 2f)) return true; else return false; } #endregion This wont work in all cases. :-/ I would really disable shred if you dont play with lazyraider The Aoe rotation should start with 3+ mobs, not 4+
DOOOOD! Feral Kitty is my main, and I have been using Navi's outdated ILoveAnimals, so /crossesfingers that this is even half as good as your other stuff! This would be would also be great, a feral Kitty pvp CC
EDIT: Not bad at all. Pulls about the same as the ILoveAnimals on a target dummy. Haven't tried AOE rotation yet. Fact that it doesn't have a GUI is Fact that he doesn't (or I haven't seem him) Feral Charge on his own is a + because bot trying to Feral Charge in some situations can make you look like a retard. Overall, I would say this is one of the best Kitty CCs there is. (Tied with ILoveAnimals) If this had a GUI for options like.... : [TRUE or FALSE] Berserk [TRUE or FALSE] Feral Charge [TRUE or FALSE] Disable AOE Rotation [TRUE or FALSE] Arena Mode (Use of Stealth/Pounce/etc.) [TRUE or FALSE] Auto-Buff .....then it would EASILY be the best Kitty CC, by far.
I'm glad you like it! ps. it has auto buff I wont be adding a GUI though! and most likely not Arena mode either:/
This is a real shame TBH. Unlike your other CC's, such as Avenger, Feral Dps has more settings that would be awesome if we had the ability to turn on/off as needed. Is it a matter of coding, too much work for something like this? Just curious about your resistance to a GUI. Anyways, thanks a ton for this, even as is!!!
Ive never done a GUI before, and i can imagine its gonna be quite a lot of extra work so im not even going to take a look at it. I mainly make these CC's for my own purposes and just post em on the forums! Ive had a bunch of help and im grateful, but GUI's? Sorry folks, im not adding GUIs.
Maybe disable the Buff function. someone was testing me. whole raid waiting to pull and someone always clicked the druid buff away, and my toon always was rebuffing
is this CC based on useing Shred? cus it dont seem to be doing much when im standing i front of my target... else pretty damn nice CC i must say might just be me not sure
It should be using Mangle when standing infront of the target and Shred when your behind it. It works that way for me and it should for you too! If it isnt, please upload a log
seems it was just the bot buggin out a bit, had an error after a while, restarded and it worked perfectly