I saw some people asking for good raiding customclass, i made one over half year ago and decided i can share it to everyone. Since i didn't play/bot for over half year, i'll describe what i remember about it. My main goal for coding it was to check whether bot could compete with human in DPSing or not. Using my own experience with rogue along with some elitistjerks resources i translated optimal DPSing rotations into CustomClass. It worked well so i decided to add some configuration and sometimes used it during new boss encounters so i could actually focus on dodging shit instead of dpsing It has no movement, tested just with Combat bot. Options are basically which skills should it use and which not (so player can manually use them), here is some more explanation: Abilities: * Kick - if you don't tick 1st/2nd spell it will try to interrupt every spellcast. When you tick 1st/2nd spell it should interrupt only those 2 spells specified by exact name, however i don't remember if it worked at all - use at your own risk. * Tricks of the Trade - if it should use TotT on your target's target (expecting it to be a tank). There is no more config, so remember to turn it off if you don't want to screw some overaggroing DPSes Assassination: * Vendetta * Rupture * Fan of Knives - number of targets in range required to start spamming Fan of Knives. As far as i remember it won't break crowd controls, checking whether there are CC'ed targets in range before casting Combat: * Killing Spree * Adrenaline Rush * Blade Flurry - whether it should activate Blade Flurry if there is second target in range or not Professions: * Only engineering supported - High-Powered Bolt Gun and hand-enchants like "Hyperspeed Accelerators". Energy: * Basically options to prevent wasting/capping energy at 100% * Combat - above this value it will stop using low-energy abilities like TotT/Redirect * Assassination - same as Combat, but also includes Backstab as low energy ability. * Energy burning - above what point should it start spamming abilities without sanity checks (cooldown etc.). Prevents energy from capping as normally HB has quite noticable delay between when ability is ready and bot uses it. * whole Adrenaline Rush - will spam abilities during whole duration of Adrenaline Rush, without this option HB will most likely waste lots of energy. Default values are what i considered optimal when creating this Custom Class. Installation: Extract into main Honorbuddy directory, like "C:\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5104\". as final statement: It's written for patch 4.1.0, nothing changed for 4.2.0 and will work further unless some major rogue rework occur. I am sharing it "as is" without any kind of support or future updates, don't even ask for it. Simply because it's better to share than laying forgotten by everyone in some dark corner of my HDD
strix. Thanks alot for sharing mate. Will give it a go on my 85 Rogue that lies also in the deepest darkest corner of my HDD because I rock at the rotations.... But suck Ass at getting outta the way of shit lol
Great settings and overall a great CC, I have a few issues though. First of I'm combat, and whatever I do in the "energy" tab of the settings it doesn't save my changes, I pull down the combat energy burn phase to 50% and the "don't use low-energy abilities" to 50 also, but when I click save and close, and reopen, it's back to default - sometimes it feels like the changes applied anyway but moments later I'm energy capped for a second or two. Also sometimes I just stop attacking, and have to retarget, or restart the bot. I have no idea what the issue can be and I don't seem to find anything about it in the logs. At work atm so can't post logs. Again - thanks for this great CC, looking forward to seeing it improved! +rep
Seems like i was about to finish that Energy tab of GUI, but never really did, settings werent saved as you said. Also removed AutoAttack() as its kinda not needed anymore. Uploading new version. About energy values, i think HB sometimes has large delay between when energy really increases and it thinks it did.
strix what is the difference between this CC and Apsalar? Why have 2 rogue CC? This one is Combat/Assasi PVE only and the other is Sub PVP only?
LazyRogue is not a complete Custom Class, it is plain raid DPS rotation, 0 movement, 0 targeting etc. It might be used to facilitate user's playstyle, but it will never play "by itself". On the other hand, Apsalar is a complete Custom Class with helping user's manual play as merely an option. Also i wrote LazyRogue simply to check if the bot can actually pull higher DPS than a player (it is pretty close to me but for bot mobility in fight doesn't affect damage in opposite to humans) and sometimes use it on more complex boss fights so i can focus on dodging shit instead of dpsing
Awesome so far, thanks for this! I have a few suggestions for later versions. - Tricks of the Trade by player name option. In raids, some rogues tricks each other instead of the tank to gain more dps. For now I've had it disabled in your CC and have simply been casting a macro manually. Target of target works great for heroics! - Feint/Evasion on aggro option. Pretty straight forward. Maybe some logic to not cast it in the first 5 or so seconds of combat for heroics since sometimes a tank might need to ramp up to get aggro and a fade is unnecessary. - Vanish option. - It's a pretty significant dps increase to vanish in combat and garrote for the dot and to refresh overkill when you have vendetta up and don't have the envenom buff. I've been trying to do it manually but sometimes it breaks vanish with another mutilate before I can get the garrote off. Having it built in or having an option to garrote when stealthed in combat so we can manually control when to vanish would be amazing. Edit: I see that it has an early check to garrote if the player is stealthed, I might be mistaken but sometimes it doesn't get the garrote off before mutilating. Will confirm when I get a chance! - Mutilate when unable to Backstab? - Not completely sure if this is possible and I haven't tested if it's already implemented - I just thought of it. Sometimes things get hinky, the boss placement is bad, or the tank is fucking up and you just are not able to get behind the boss to backstab below 35%. Maybe after being unable to backstab (energy gets too high) below 35%, it just throws out a mutilate to grab a few combo points and not waste energy? Hope you like the sound of some of these! Thanks for all your hard work!
[Singular] Rogue routines - dont work CustomClasses\Singular (default) - sux all cc for lazy raid - sux......
Because i did not publish my Apsalar @ Singular yet, still have to finish subtlety before doing so. When it will be ready i will make new topic.
What to do? Has put CC and it approaches to monsters, allocates in the purpose, and does nothing.... How to correct?