Gladiatore (Artist formerly known as WTFury) Ok, lol. Scrapped WTFury and added support for arms/fury/prot in this. Now the arms and fury should be working just fine, but the prot hasn't been tested, so use at your own risk. Still no movement involved, same ole same ole, but just more awesome. This includes support to turn on or off multiple abilities if you so choose to manually use them. The current abilities open for changing are: Berserker Rage Commanding shout (For use instead of battle shout, as battle shout will be the default unless you select prot as your spec.) War Stomp/Throwdown (which isn't working right now. If anyone knows of more stuns lemme know, personally I'm a dwarf.. And I'll work on getting it working) Interrupts Basically pummel Cooldowns (such as Recklessness, Death Wish and Deadly Calm) MAKE SURE TO DO THE FOLLOWING FIRST: 1.) Download/extract Gladiatore to ..\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\ 2.) Put Blank.xml in ..\Honorbuddy\Default Profiles\ 3.) Put CombatBot - No Move.cs in ..\Honorbuddy\Bots\ 4.) Start up Honorbuddy and click on General Settings/CC Configuration. Modify it as you wish and push the Save and Close button. 5.) Start Honorbuddy. Woo CREDITS: Got the main coding ideas from Lazylock, so without that awesome CC, I woulda never figured this out. Thanks legaston.
Hmmm I personally haven't tested them back to back, I just wrote that one with the same idea as my Armsageddon. Try it, tell me what your result was.
Will do in a few, almost done farming herbs/ore for the day then once I go to stormwind I'll check the dps on each
Question on this, does it use DPS cooldowns such as Reckless and Death Wish I am personally hoping it leaves it up to me, as sometimes I want to cast it later in a fight and prefer to choose when to use them. For those asking about DPS difference, I just did 2 Tests with each Lionheart and this CC and here are the results. This is for a Fury War with iLevel 357 LionHeart CC (Test 1) - No Buffs No Food DPS = 11860.5 Active Time = 185 Seconds Dmg done = 2.19 Million WTFury CC (Test 1) DPS = 14734.9 Active Time = 187 Seconds Dmg done = 2.76 Millon LionHeart CC (Test 2) DPS = 11714.3 Active Time = 186 Seconds Dmg done = 2.18 Million WTFury CC (Test 2) DPS = 15189.6 Active Time = 185 Seconds Dmg done = 2.81 Million This was done on the Raiders Training dummy in Org Seeing around a 3k DPS increase using this instead of Lionheart, will test more as the day goes on.
Wow. Nice. lol Didn't expect it to be better than anything. But I've actually been working on this, and in my opinion, managed to perfect it. Fixed the settings thing, and will replace this post with that one, and you can test that one out. It does burn cooldowns automatically, but I can add a button or something so you can turn it on or off. Shouldn't be too tricky.
man! I gotta say! Love it! Tryed it on my warrior in BG, kinda low pvp gear, but I got 9 killing blows and 2 deaths! Great work! +rep for your work!
I am anxious to use this on my Fury Dwarf that I started yesterday. As said Sweking.. Great work! +rep for your work!
I modified Lionheart to not use shouts cooldowns and rage @ 80 I'm not a coder I just went line by line and deleted what I didn't want to use lol It's probably a fucked up but hey it works... WTFury CC on Heroic Dummy = 13,650 LionHeartMod CC on Heroic Dummy = 13,932 4 min on both. of course they are close enough for the diference to be RNG The original Lionheart sucks because it uses Battleshout everytime it's up and I believe the Rage for HS is 75? Anyways I think I'll start using your CC since my modified one won't get any updates I noticed something about your CC it auto uses Battleshout even before its out, it's not every 30 seconds or w.e but it does it... I read somewhere that you should be doing that but I forget exactly what Landsoul said. What exactly is the rotation for your CC and where did you get the info? Also is there a way to fix heroic leap? like in Atramdedes when he puts the flame on you I'll try to heroic leap but it will cancel because the bot will do skills.. of course this was with Lionheart haven't tried yours in raid but I will tonight and let you know how it went.
Heroic leap.. Yeah, not so sure.. I'll look into it and see if I can hack my way into making it work. This CC will only use Battle Shout/Commanding Shout, whatever you have selected when you're below 50 rage and in combat, otherwise if you're in combat, it'll just make sure you have the buff. The reason is because it grants you rage when you use it, so it helps with your overall damage output. Heroic strike setting is 70.. Elitist Jerks says to use it at 60 rage, but I felt a dps decrease with 60 rage selected so bumped it to 70. If you want to change the value, open FuryFun.cs and search for Code: if (Me.Combat && Me.CurrentRage >= 70) { CastSpell(HS); } And change that 70 to whatever you wanna try. Like 60 or whatnot. Thanks for the feedback.
yeah I know it grants you rage but I read a post where Landsoul said it should only be used where you have a free global cooldown hence why I asked when it was used by the CC.... I'll look for his post and copy paste to see what other improvements can be made. I got top 100 world of logs in a few fights with my modified Lionheart CC. I'll use yours tonight and should be a huge increase since I got up upgrades I'll post results tonight
you should try the rage thing yourself... with your CC and 70 rage I was doing 12,500 dps ran for 10+ min with 80 rage HS it hit 13,000
newbie here... if I use this profile with say, archeology buddy, will it work in a similar way to FPS's warrior profile?
Negative This is only for manual play. Such as heroics or raiding that you're going to be playing along side it at all times.
No.. This is for the basic fury rotation. It will work the same in heroics or in raids. You can click on CC Configuration under the General Settings tab of honorbuddy and tell the CC to NOT pummel, NOT use battle shout etc. But otherwise, the rotation is the same for both.
Hello I was looking through this CC, is it possible to also add a setting option for the user of Enraged Regen. Is nice seeing it using it, but it was using it a bit earlier than I wanted to yesterday. I was also having some issues where it wasnt doing anything, not sure if this was CC or HB related though, but I engaged a target and it wasnt casting any abilities, there was nothing in the debug or anything, plan to look more into that today Thanks
As far as it not doing anything... Make sure you download the new one I posted up, that issue should be fixed.. It hasn't done it to me since, and yes, I'll add an option for it to use enraged regen automatically or manually. I'll post it up in about an hour or so.
Ok, I went ahead and fixed this, I haven't tested it, but it should work just fine. Download the V1.0 and let me know what you think.