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  • Mark II - User Controlled PvE & PvP Hunter Routine

    Discussion in 'Hunter' started by falldown, Feb 23, 2013.

    1. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      [ About ]
      The Mark II is a LazyRaider style Beast Mastery and Survival Hunter Routine by Falldown & Mirabis.
      The Mark II supports both PvE & PvP context.

      This is a User Controlled Routine, which means there isn't and there won't be Movement or Targeting implemented.

      FYI: This is a continued, updated version of Bestia Magister and my two old BM hunter CR's

      [ Version ]
      Public Version: v. 2.3.5 - 06/06/2013 (DD/MM/YYYY)
      Developer Version: v. 2.4.3 - 16/06/2013

      [ Feature Overview ]
      • Supports Tyrael, LazyRaider, CombatBot and Raidbot. (Tyrael Recommended)
      • Auto Talent and Glyph detection.
      • BM Support for both PvE and PvP.
      • SV Support for PvE.
      • Smart AoE, detects largest clusters of adds to Aoe.
      • Advanced PvP features, detects your arena partners, enemy totems, etc.
      • Hotkeys! Toggle on Multi DoT, AoE, Focus Gathering Modes or hold a button down for instant Crowd Control.
      • Custom presets for settings, save and load your own settings.

      [ Setup ]
      Check out directly from SVN to receive the latest updates.
      or download a stable .zip below.

      [ Credits ]
      Falldown - Author
      Mirabis - Support
      Matt84 - Testing and Help

      The people who work on Pure, CLU, Singular and TuanHA CR's, many of the things in this CR wouldn't be possible without their examples and code.
      Please +rep all of these people, any chance you get! :)

      [ Download ]
      Public SVN: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/mark-i/trunk/Mark II/
      Developer SVN: https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/mark-i/branches/dev/Mark II/

      [ Contribute ]
      Like my work and want to show your appreciation? Buy me a coffee... or a beer!

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
    2. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      How to use SVN: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/26031-videoguide-how-svn-jvidia.html

      How to attach a log: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log-kick.html

      Reporting problems:
      If you run into any problems or have ideas for improvements let me know in the comments or PM me.
      If something isn't working attaching a log will help me solve it a lot easier and faster. Give a detailed description of the issue(s) you're having. Please be sure to mention what Spec and what playstyle (PvE/PvP) you're having problems with and make sure you have the latest version of the Combat Routine, LazyRaider/Tyrael and HonorBuddy!

      Change log:
      Currently working on:
      - Clean up rotations (SV / PvE in general)
      - Test everything works

      Future plans:

      * Research more spells to dispell with Tranq Shot (HoT's etc)
      * Improve support for some spells (such as Powershot, Barrage, Wyvern Sting)
      * Clean out and optimize code.
      Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
    3. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      Matt84?s ? Beast Master Hunter Guide (PvE)

      [ Recommended Spec ]
      Mists of Pandaria - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
      Now, I?m not going to go into every talent, explain them and explain why to use them...
      I am however going to state that the selected talents have been chosen and are based on highest sustainable DPS and overall survivability and utility.

      I recommend not expecting you to not let the CR just take control of your character.
      To maximize your DPS you are going to want to work with the CR to get your highest output for that first I recommend this macro

      [ Macro 1 ]
      #showtooltip Virmen's Bite
      /use Virmen's Bite
      /cast Rabid
      /use 10
      /cast Bestial Wrath
      /cast Rapid Fire
      basically all of these abilities are off the global cooldown and are intended to be used in conjunction with
      a countdown / prepot assuming you have them, if you dont basically same macro except

      [ Macro 2 ]
      #showtooltip Rabid
      /cast Rabid
      /use 10
      /cast Bestial Wrath
      /cast Rapid fire
      now some of you may be wondering what /use 10 is, that for your engineering glove enchant "synapses spring"
      if you have it.

      after this has been used with 1 - 2 seconds left on the counting, the next thing you're going to want to-do instantly is
      Serpent Sting to get combat to engage... now for the next few seconds you can breathe easy.

      after the bot has completed a rotation and you see (stampede, dire beast, A Murder of Crows, Glaive Toss and Kill Command)
      on cooldown, your next step is to use readiness and let the bot take over.

      now later on in the fight probably around the 5min markish you're going to have several cooldowns coming off cooldown..
      let them play out, my advice is generally to save readiness till sub 20% when you're in kill shot range
      use your second virmin's bite potion when Bestial wrath comes off cooldown.. after it wears off, readiness and let the bot take over

      for me this works very well, my hunter ranks in top 100 on several fights and is generally in the top 3 to 5 for most heroic
      bosses this raid tier, it's upto you if you'd like to take the advice, but in the end everyone needs to find their own
      perfect play style to compliment their toon.

      Thankyou for listening! - Matt84
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
    4. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      Reserved III

      PvP guide coming soon.
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
    5. uprooted1

      uprooted1 Member

      Dec 25, 2011
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      so youre not apart of the other project?
    6. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      What other project?
    7. hermine

      hermine Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      work`s fine "Hunter EQ LvL 486" 120k DPS LFR ... nice job !
    8. yogster

      yogster New Member

      Aug 12, 2012
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      dont know y but i get nothing happening when i try to run this. also purerotation cc does not work for me but hunter XS by randomstraw does work
      Last edited: Feb 23, 2013
    9. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Falldown -- Here's some feedback that I hope is helpful with developing this routine. It's really nice, and I love the configuration UI. Very clean and easy to understand. With that said, some things for feedback below.

      Something I noticed while using this is that it gets stuck on placing the trap when it comes time to launch it, which holds up the rotation. I've had to either click manually, or hit escape to clear the targeting circle of where to fire the trap. It mostly happens when something dies, but on rare occasions it happens in the middle of a rotation.

      During scenarios it doesn't use the "On Boss" cooldowns on the scenario bosses.

      The basic shot priority will be something like the following but subject to minor changes in priority.
      Explosive Shot - (regardless of Lock and Load state)**
      Kill shot - If the mob is below 20% health.
      Black Arrow
      Serpent Sting - (note that this has dropped in significance slightly because we no longer have Noxious Stings)
      Arcane shot - If you have enough focus to use other abilities when they come off of cooldown
      Cobra Shot

      Stampede, Rapid Fire, Dire Beast, the level 75 talents, and the level 90 talents will mostly be used on cooldown with the caveat that you may want to delay them a few seconds for the sake of having them benefit from a proc. Readiness should be used after these cooldowns are exhausted. Cooldown collision priority appears to be a relatively minor concern as long as you are not capping focus (Murder of Crows is a very big focus dump and can be handy to use early or during focus saturation from your level 60 talent) or exhausting focus. Couple this with the uncertainty of Lock and Load proc times (and Thrill of the Hunt, if you are using that) and it would be inappropriate to try to highlight a "typical" opening sequence.

      With that said, a suggested priority sequence with recommended talents would be:
      Rapid Fire
      Explosive Shot
      Kill Shot
      Black Arrow
      A Murder of Crows
      Glaive Toss
      Dire Beast
      Arcane Shot
      Cobra Shot

      Lock and Load**:
      This section is a bit of a legacy because our behavior when we get this proc should be very straightforward - spam three Explosive Shots. Past behavior, however, was significantly more complicated so it is worth mentioning what has changed and weird behavior you might notice. In Cataclysm, Lock and Load was changed so that it could only be consumed by Explosive Shot and not arcane shot. This allowed us to weave in arcane shots between Explosive Shots, but we were still concerned about Explosive Shots overwriting each other and causes us to lose one tick. An overall change to damage over time mechanics enabled us to shoot the first two Explosive Shots back to back and not lose a tick unless we shot the third Explosive Shot. If we instead fired three consecutive Explosive Shots we would only get 8 ticks. In Mists of Pandaria, the Explosive Shot DoT now functions under a revamped Piercing Shots/Ignite mechanic. It will still only do 8 ticks but the damage of one tick will get rolled into another, doing the same amount of damage as if we had 9 ticks neatly spread across time. This means that all we need to do to optimize Lock and Load procs is: Explosive Shot -> Explosive Shot -> Explosive Shot.
    10. yogster

      yogster New Member

      Aug 12, 2012
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    11. falldown

      falldown Member

      May 15, 2011
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      What are you trying to do with it?

      Edit: Make sure Force PvP and Always PvP vs players are disabled and make sure Explosive Shot and Black Arrow are enabled in the GUI.

      If force PvP is enabled survival wont do anything because PvP is for BM only.
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2013
    12. yogster

      yogster New Member

      Aug 12, 2012
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      funny thing. im trying to do any dps at all whilst i am in BM spec i tried on dummies i tried in lfr and i also tried in dungeons.
      i have not been in sv cept to try it after B didnt work and still no joy
      this is already set i have not changed a thing
    13. zeldrak

      zeldrak Well-Known Member

      Oct 25, 2010
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      Hey, hope I didn't upset you with the feedback I posted. It was meant to be constructive and helpful.

      Anyway, something else I wanted to inquire about were the presets you have in the routine. Do my own personal settings overwrite the presets? Just wondering because I changed some settings to my own personal liking, then decided to use the SV preset you have in the routine, but I noticed that nothing changed when I selected it. My own personal settings stayed as they were. I deleted my settings from the settings folder so that everything went back to default, and tried the preset again, but to my surprise nothing changed again. So, I was wondering if you had settings installed for your presets, or if they were just a placeholder for when you get optimal settings made for BM and SV to choose from the menu.

      The routine is running exceptionally well. My gear is ilvl 461 and I was bursting 106k dps, then holding steady at 60k in MSV LFR. So, it's running really well. Just wanted to give you info from Elitist Jerks for the best SV priority rotation in my earlier post. So, if I offended you, I apologize once again. The routine, itself, is really great. Just waiting on those little fixes I mentioned earlier about the trap launcher hanging in mid rotation, etc, etc. :)
    14. yogster

      yogster New Member

      Aug 12, 2012
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      Ok i have no clue as to why this is not working for me. i have just downloaded and installed all new HBuddy and Botbases as well as fresh Mark I cc , have SVN updated everything that could and this is still not working. i tried with Tyrael at a training dummie. One thing that does work is the use of Synapse Spring glove enchant and Pet spell Rabid other than that there is nothing but autoshot. again logs attached 1 is a working cc for me other is this cc that does not dps. they are both using the same botbase and are at the same training dummie. as you can see in the logs 1 uses spell and other has nothing.
      View attachment 288 2013-02-25 08.57.txt
      View attachment 4160 2013-02-25 08.30.txt

      With Preset tab in UI mine is Black compared to all other tabs being greeny/blue, has this something to do with the problem maybe. I try to click the BM in PVE to get it ticked but nothing happens, problem? or not in use yet?

      Edit: just out of curiosity i tried in Surv spec instead of BM and still same thing View attachment 5600 2013-02-25 09.12.txt
      Last edited: Feb 24, 2013
    15. yogster

      yogster New Member

      Aug 12, 2012
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      ok just noticed something with cc not working and 1 that does at start non working cc does not have
      in the log View attachment 5308 2013-02-25 09.37.txt this is falldown's cc The Beast Master PvE 2.7.3
    16. Emericaeu

      Emericaeu New Member

      Feb 19, 2012
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      Works great for me thanks Falldown! Always impressed by your hunter CC's. The Trap launcher works fine as well (BM PvE).
    17. poltoseg

      poltoseg New Member

      Oct 15, 2012
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      My pet died, but the bot does not understand.

      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3
      [Pet] Calling out pet # 3

      my bot does not use Misdirection - Spell - World of Warcraft
    18. poltoseg

      poltoseg New Member

      Oct 15, 2012
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    19. Kekel

      Kekel New Member

      Oct 24, 2012
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      Thank you mate. Wasnt sure about this and still was weaving arcaneshots between LoL Explosive shots.
    20. jack1010

      jack1010 Member

      Dec 18, 2011
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      For everyone having a problem when I was looking at logs you were all trying it with tyrael try using lazyraider then post a log

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