What is it doing what is it not doing and you ilvl matters not for proving grounds as it get scaled down. Give a log as well. Sent from my DROID RAZR using TheBuddyForum mobile app
an update....consistently getting to wave 25 on proving grounds with very little to no assist on disc....casting spirit shell and letting it handle everything else. not happy with it til it gets me to 30 then i will get you guys some settings. Right now the beta release for testers is broken so with current 232 release is what i am using.
yeah i could really use some help, 525 disc now and still running oom off of newest update and not pulling nearly enough hps. i like this routine the most of any but frankly right now I can't use it.
are you talking in raids or proving ground you have to describe what it is and is not doing i am not a mind reader.
This is in raids. Just running oom with over 13k spirit. Correct gems / talents / glyphs. Can't figure out why.
What's wrong with the test version it is working beautifully for me in raids, only problem I have noticed is its a bit slow to begin aoe healing Sent from my C6603 using TheBuddyForum mobile app
there are two oracle versions currently a test version and a release version release has issues that are fixed in test but test has other issues not allowing it to aoe and other things properly
Thought I'd try this once more this morning. Did a fresh install of HB, Tyrael and Oracle. On version 232. I fully flasked spirit and spirit food. It still cant get past 5 for me for some reason. I'm also Oom by lvl 5. Tried with frame lock on and off. No difference. I dunno, the only thing I can think of is my spec is wrong or my reforging is incorrect. I have reforged mastery (because I like to shield alot normally) and spirit and as many spirit gems as I could for my spec. Anyway...might give up on proving grounds and have a go at a couple lfr's and see how it goes. View attachment 4132 2013-09-23 11.33.zip
I was thinking of quitting my job in construction to take up programming but maybe you guys work too hard! Im having second thoughts.
Doing raid at the moment Flex SoO and the way the bot heals with default settings is much different to my friend who is manual player, he always tops me do you think the way he is healing is smarter? View attachment 104816 He is 1 and I'm 2.
i am rolling with solace and divine star. only two that really matter IMO. when you are in PG what is your spirit sitting at? and are you changing any settings?
Ok so i pulled up my log from getting to wave 26 last night....going to do a comparison of casts to yours. smite yours 125 mine 467......this makes since as i made it 20 more waves than you did. penance 97 230......same as last one renew 45 37.....this is one i don't understand i made it 20 more wave and cast it less.....do you have renew glyphed? shield 112 125.....this is weird as well if i made it 20 more waves and only shielded 13 more times something is really weird. mending 46 83.....seems closeish holy fire 128 121.....this seems just odd....extremely odd if you casted it on cooldown.....every 8 seconds....your fight would have lasted 17 minutes that is not just wave five unless i missed a break and this is more than one attempt. prayer of healing 69 117....about right if the fight lenths were half of each other i am guessing your log is more than one attempt and your shields and renews are a lot different than mine. Currently i am reforged straight up crit.....not sure what my spirit is when i am in there i keep meaning to look at it. MASTERY IS FAIL FOR DISC........especially if you are atonement healing in PG.
@Bennyquest http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/7945/wd6.png is the image I was trying to post, I'm second he is first and just did another SoO Flex and got dominated by this resto druid nearly every fight I'm reforged Crit > Mast > Haste. 525 ilvl and using solace and Halo.
Thanks for checking it out...the install was straight out of the box other than turning off atonement healing and turning on proving grounds. There are 3 runs in total in that log..one with frame lock at 200, one at 15 and one off (I think) I tried again this afternoon and managed to get to lvl 7 I think but it really struggled (with different settings). I dont have renew glyphed. I gotta say though that after watching this for quite some trys...It just seems to struggle keeping the heals up. Most of the time the tank is under 50% and it just doesn't seem to be able to keep the toons topped up. Its a real struggle when it comes to chomp because it never heals enough to remove it. If crit is the way to go for disc these days I'll regem and reforge tomorrow and see if it makes any difference. (I assume still with dps turned off)
Well, looking at the photo the other priest used spirit shell a lot oracle is not handling it well. Also divine aegis is based of crit and inner focus usage oracle handles inner focus real well but I would say the other priest has a lot more crit than you, not sure. Sent from my DROID RAZR using TheBuddyForum mobile app
After lunch I will get my setup talents glyphs stats and what trinkets I am using then I need to know how you are running as well I am thinking it is a setup issue. Sent from my DROID RAZR using TheBuddyForum mobile app
It scales you down to 463 ilvl, so everybody facing proving grounds are on the same itemlevel. lolol!
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