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  • DestroLock 1-90 (Need testers)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pasterke, Oct 27, 2013.

    1. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      With the new HB release i'm trying to code in a new way.

      This is a Destruction Warlock Routine.

      If you want to level a warlock ......

      I will add new downloads every time my lock get 10 levels or when i have to fix bugs.

      Ofc I want feedback :)

      PS : Nothing is working out of the box, you need to adjust the settings.

      Credits to Singular Developers, Handnavi (to use some of their code) and Azriel Delmont? for his tutorial.

      SVN : DestroLock

      Attached Files:

    2. handnavi

      handnavi Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You should really give credit where it is needed. :p
      Atleast the good old time_to_die function is just a copy&paste of my work. (You might have found it @ Singular - but there is the credit message :))
    3. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      If time to die is your code, soz then, I got it from Azriel Delmont?'s guide :)
    4. handnavi

      handnavi Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Uuuuh, lets kill him! :D
    5. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      Righto mate.

      Your previous work was a nice ditty, let's see what we can do with this new swing.
      Rolling a new lock; get this popp'n, will post back with updates.


      I'm glad you added that it needed to be tweaked in the introductory, though you may wish to bold the font to reduce the tide of cries.
      Leveling without heirlooms for a better show of abilities; Horde, Blood Elf.
      Using Kick's Questing Profiles.

      • If Movement is enabled (True) in the config, the chicken (bot) will move between kill zones and ignore quest objects/mobs causing a ping pong effect; it's off as a result, atm.
      • If a mob is on patrol and doesn't initially aggro on sight, the chicken will run circles around it and not pull the target.
      • Update to previous point; Sometimes will run circles around aggro'd NPCs (movement is disabled). It appears to go into the death spiral when the pet (Imp currently) is targeted first instead of the chicken. Movement enabled/disabled doesn't change the death spin.
      • With movement enabled, looting seems to take priority over attacking but only with multiple aggo. Example: A NPC is engaged and dies and a second NPC engages, the chicken will twitch/skip toward the lootable NPC while attempting to cast on the second NPC. Eventually it gets to the lootable NPC, loots it, and kills the second.
      • Upon death, the chicken runs back to its corpse and then just stands there. If combat is initiated manually, the CC doesn't take control and the chicken will melee its target till death - wash repeat. (This one may have had something to do with stopping HB and the configuration pull settings/curse not saving)
      • Configuration preferences do not always appear to save on HB termination (Yes, I see the 'Save' button -- side note, it has saved each time after this happened; go figure).
      • When LOS'd: If targeting a NPC and becomes los'd will stand there. If near a previous target won't clear NPC and still stand there. When the NPC disappears, still stands there. If moved manually, still stands there till HB is stopped and started again. (Movement is enabled)
      • Doesn't like cut sequences.
      • If moving between locations and pet pulls, chicken won't assist the pet. If pet dies, chicken will briefly attempt to summon and then cancel the summon in order to keep moving to previous location; upon reaching location, chicken will then stand there till the pet is summoned manually. Pet: Imp Movement: Enabled
      • If pet dies while not moving, in a fight, chicken will summon the pet twice. Pet: Voidwalker
      • If in a fight with multiple aggro'ing targets and Voidwalker begins attacking a NPC that isn't being engaged by the chicken currently, the chicken will ignore pet's target and move on even as the pet fights/dies. The chicken will begin pull sequence on NPC after pet dies and NPC engages chicken directly.
      • Future Racial support? Yes/No? Randomly uses Arcane Torrent, may use it to silence NPCs ... that are at distance and doesn't actually do anything.
      • Doesn't clear target on NPCs that become 'Evade' and will chase it back, while casting periodically, through other mobs.
      • Reached lvl 10
      • If 'Immolate' is set as default 'Pull Settings', chicken will spam Immolate instead casting once and beginning rotation after successful cast.
      • Spams 'Immolate' in rotation - several casts of Incinerate followed by spamming of Immolate and no cast of anything else.
      • Health Funnel?
      • Has tendency to ignore hostile pets. Example: [Razormane Hunters] have wolf pets, it will kill the Hunter and go find another named NPC while the pet attacks the chicken. Only when no other NPC is around will it target/kill the Hunter's pet.
      • Upon HB initialization, with Healthstone enabled, the chicken will attempt to create a new stone and be interrupted by movement - movement is caused by questing profile (checking flight paths). Additionally, within the rotation it will try and create a Healthstone "Creating Healthstone" spammed in log after each cast of rotation.
      • See below: Doesn't actually cast Conflagrate, instead continues to cast Immolate
      While looking through the Main.cs, I thought perhaps the chicken spammed Immolate due to a curse being set that didn't actually have, didn't change anything.
      That's all I've seen thus far, otherwise the chicken obliterates everything in its path and dances, joyfully, on their wanton corpses.
    6. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      Use latest download :)

      I know the problem with the pet, but that movement is done by the questing profile. I tried to add stop movement, but it didn't help.
      If questing profile need to collect items, he goes for the items, ignoring all the rest (known problem).
      racials will be supported, but is not a priority for now. Only Arcane Torrent supported to regain mana.
      Normally you should see an log that he takes the pet's target ?
      If he pull with immolate, normally the combat routine should take it over. Didn't had that problem with my toon. I like to use instant casts to pull that's why i'm using Curse of Enfleebement asap as i get it, and later on replacing with Curse of the Elements.
      Normally he shouldn't spam Immolate, because there's a check to see if Immolate debuff is on the target.
      I will add Health Funnel.
      If he ignore pets, again Questing Profile issue. The profile decide what targets to target. I can only make the code that he's attacking the mobs that attack him or the pet. If the questing profile decide to move to another target ....
      For questing profiles/Grind Bot/Gatherbuddy you have to put Movement, Facing and Targeting on true.

      Mine is now lvl 64 and he just finished Hellfire without problems.

      Use always the latest version, because if I see things I don't like, I try to change it.

      I used Grind Bot with the must have plugin : FightHere. Killing Timbermaw to collect the beads ( rep + exp), Ice Yeti's for the rune cloth and more runecloth in Blasted Lands by the naga's(lots of runecloth, black pearls, golden pearls ....)

      I'm Tailor/Disenchanter so needed some cloth stuff :)

      Link to plugin : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/uncataloged/72458-plugin-fighthere-plugin-make-simple-profiles.html
      Realy the max to grind. No premade routes and the bot acts very human.
    7. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      New version downloaded.


      • Still attempts to cast Healthstone while moving.
      • Will cancel summon of pet via movement and not successfully summon till in combat and being hit; potentially could correct, at later date with casting of fear - or a wait feature prior to casting pet/health stone.
      • Tested setting curse to Corruption, which don't have, spam casts Immolate instead.
      • To previous point, set curse to none - still spam casts Immolate (Yes, I see the modifier in Main.cs to make sure Immolate is not present but still doing it).
      • Upon death, remains dead and does not release; was res'd by a random druid, chicken accepted tried to summon pet, canceled with movement, entered combat via pull, summoned pet while being hit

      Am going to try a few things to see if I can make it summon/create stones/stop immolate spam.
    8. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      You don't have Corruption when you got Immolate. Immolate overrides Corruption.

      Normally he shoud auto res when you are dead. There's a wait timer, but after max 7 sec, he should res. Only thing that not works is the use soulstone to res. Looking at it.

      Again, the questing profile takes over the movement and don't wait if you have a pet or not. Same thing for creating a healthstone. I solved this problem to make a soulstone when in combat, maybe I should do the same thing with Healthstone.

      He should not spam immolate, only if you have more than 1 target, the he multidot the others with immolate.

      But today I go further testing with my lock.
    9. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      With the latest version lot of problems resolved. I removed the multidot part, because it's causing problems. Will add it again if everything is working fine.
    10. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      I trust Halloween/Day of Souls/Day of Saints found you well?

      New version downloaded.
      The chicken successfully imbues self with [Soulstone] and, will [Create Healthstone] out of combat as soon as start is initiated; awesome. ;)
      No longer spams [Immolate] and chicken moves into line of sight, fantastic!


      • Reached lvl 20
      • Stopped HB, dismissed pet, started again - chicken stands still and does not re-summon pet unless/until pet is summoned manually.
      • Chicken does not change between pets if switched in settings. Example: [Summon Voidwalker] is set and out, settings are switched to [Summon Imp]. Current pet is not dismissed and new pet is not summoned.
      • Curious: Is [Rain of Fire] suppose to be channeled for single targets? It is being cast on single targets.
      • Chicken now uses now uses [Health Funnel] in combat effectively; perhaps you should consider making a priority override for the chicken healing pet over casting [Drain Life]. Example: The pet is taking damage and near death; the chicken is channeling [Drain Life] to heal itself; while channeling, the pet dies and the chicken begins to re-summon while already low health and typically bites it (dies). Tricky subject.
      • Does not loot pet aggro'd/killed targets? Happens 3 out of 4 times, not consistently (it is happening a lot, currently - I've been manually forcing looting).
      • While hunting UNDER water (fully submerged near the sea floor) - will summon/mount [Felsteed] and "ride" toward attacking targets (looks funny). I've seen other profiles do this while on the surface of the water; just not under it.
      • I just noticed [Soulstone] isn't actually enabled but still being cast on self - no argument here, just makes having the toggle in settings irrelevant.
      • Similar to previous point, [Unending Breath] is being used while it is set as Disabled in the class config making the toggle irrelevant. Only casts it when it goes under water - not when running around? -- Appears to have been caused by the questing profile.
      • 3 points moved to next page (hadn't realized you posted back while continuing to edit this post :p)
    11. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      Stopped HB, dismissed pet, started again - chicken stands still and does not re-summon pet unless/until pet is summoned manually.


      Chicken does not change between pets if switched in settings. Example: Voidwalker is summoned, settings are switched to Imp. Pet is not dismissed and Imp is not summoned.

      For that, I need all the Pet names, what I don't have for the moment. If you change pet in the settings, dismiss your current pet and he will summon the new one.

      Curious: Is [Rain of Fire] suppose to be channeled for single targets? It is being cast on single targets.

      Maybe I missed something why leveling at lower level, but for me now Rain of Fire is an instant cast, which helps to gain burning embers. Add settings if you want to use it in normal rotation or not.

      Chicken now uses now uses [Health Funnel] in combat effectively; though perhaps you should consider making it override the chicken casting [Drain Life] (the pet tends to die while the chicken is trying to regain health which ultimately yields death upon pet death and chicken's attempt to re-summon in combat).

      He will no longer use Funnel if the toons life < drain life settings. Later on you get more spells to protect yourself and Drain Life is almost never used. For the moment play with the Drain Life settings and be sure to set the use healthstone higher than Drain Life :)

      Does not loot pet aggro'd/killed targets? Happens 3 out of 4 times, not consistently.

      HB problem, Combat Routines don't do the loot stuff.

      While hunting UNDER water - will summon/mount [Felsteed] and "ride" toward attacking targets (looks funny). I've seen other profiles do this while on the surface of the water; just not under it.

      Questing profile stuff. I already asked to not summon mount under water. If you have a druid, you swim faster than mounted.

      I just noticed [Soulstone] isn't actually enabled but still being cast on self - no argument here, just makes having the toggle in settings irrelevant.


      Similar to previous point, [Unending Breath] is being used while it is set as Disabled in the class config making the toggle irrelevant.


      BTW : thanx for the feedback, that way we will have a good routine. Everyone uses a routine like he wants, and sometimes what I prefer is not what others prefer.
    12. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      Woops, didn't realize it had jumped to a p2. Thanks for the fixes! :cool:
      If no pet is summoned upon initialization, chicken will now successfully summon settings pet (there is a slight delay post death revival though it may be HB).


      • [Fear] is sometimes a very dangerous thing to be cast in clutch mob areas - BUT ... future implementation for close proximity? Example: Two NPCs approach and the pet goes for one of them. The NPC not being focused by the pet begins to attack the chicken while the chicken takes the pet's target. Potential [Fear] away the melee'ing NPC? This could also be viable upon pet death and re-summoning while being struck.
      • Continuing to take [Rain of Fire] over [Incinerate]/[Conflagrate] on single target. There are times the chicken will attempt to put distance between itself and the target, aggroing more hostile mobs and killing itself; or the chicken will go into the AOE mode, pull more things and continue to channel [Rain of Fire] further buggering itself (it has died 16 times within Thistlefur Hold while attempting the quests within -- quests completed manually).
      • New version downloaded
      • Still using [Soulstone] despite configuration settings -- doesn't really matter, just fyi. -- The options are backwards :eek: Enabled = False & Disabled = True in settings.
      • Should probably make it a point to exclude city guards from the targeting system - a few deaths :(
    13. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      Lol, copy paste in settings and switched soulstone with healstone bool :) Fixed now. He shouldn't create soulstone if you put it on false.

      Rain of Fire behaviors strange. I put it on true, and he never cast it on single targets.

      In Aoe situations he will cast Rain of Fire, normal behavior. But if you put Rain of Fire on false for normal rotation ( normal rotation = targets < than Aoe settings) he should,'t use it anymore.

      For fear, I will add it, but I don't like it for questing or grinding. Most of the times they bring back some friends :)

      The quest profile or grinding profile decides wich targets to attack or not :)

      For the pet, I added a 4 sec wait time. That's the delay. Reason for that is that he don't summon twice and giving him the time if you dismount (most flying) to check if he has a pet, and not cast the spell as soon he dismount.
    14. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      [Rain of Fire] is now disabled via settings and will not crop up in the normal rotation, thank you for that; You're correct, you had fixed it - I just didn't reword the post correctly when I transferred between pages, my bad.
    15. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      The quest profile use faction Id to target. Probably the city guards will have the same faction ID.
    16. mellome

      mellome New Member

      Mar 28, 2012
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      Yeah ... I've watched it bite it several times now and, am currently waiting on the res timer; I have to manually move it somewhere else.
      Ashenvale is a pain in the arse regardless. I hadn't taken into consideration what targeted what.


      • Level 30 reached
      • Sometimes the taking of the pet's target can create a ping-pong effect as the questing/grind profile attempts to take over movement. Example: The quest [Da Voodoo: Resonite Crystal]; the quest requires to smack kobols, the pet aggros one and the chicken runs around like a chicken with its head cut off bouncing between the kobols -- it got it done with a few deaths; may wish to create a pause for the pulses that the pet's target is taken.
      • [Soulstone] not being accepted though Enabled (Soulstone use) in configuration -- haven't looked at code; cast on self enabled true works.


      • I've been noticing issues with the combat system. There are times where, despite aggro the chicken will avoid contact, it isn't a range issue as I've been logging to find the issue. No luck yet.
      • On a previous point regarding pet/chicken interaction. I put a wait on targeting to slow the pulse. Trying to create a new one that interacts somewhat IF pet has threat, & my target is dead & I am in combat THEN take pet's target & initiate wait so the pulse doesn't re take the pet's target/target is dead prior to re-initiating check. Potentially this allows for multi dotting in the future, and removes the spamming interaction.
      • AOE - ROF works excellent.
      • Implimentation of additional protection skills?
      • Level 40 reached


      • Created a distance function: IF pet X distance away from me THEN set pet social to passive; Typically the pet will de-spawn after too great of a distance is reached but this is, usually, too late and you're already dead as result. Currently there is a wait feature to set pet social back to assist as not a lot of thought was put into it; going to couple it with an in combat check; works though.
    17. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      I will add the protection skills, but for the moment I have a payed job that I must finish first.
    18. Fenol1

      Fenol1 New Member

      Oct 15, 2013
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      Hey pasterke i like your other combat routines so , i got a lvl 85 lock i can use to test the profile at your serivce pm me for more info& skype info :)
    19. Pasterke

      Pasterke Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 12, 2011
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      All testers are welcome :)

      Newest download : in your routines folder you have a folder Pasterke, inside that folder you will find the settings for your warlock. Delete it, because you will get errors.

      Added Mortal Coil and Howl of Terror.

      PS : in the logs you will see many error messages, don't worry about it, I need it for the moment, they will be gone if the CR is finished.
    20. rulcherkizovo

      rulcherkizovo Member

      Nov 3, 2012
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      Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
      Error message = ВЫ СЛИШКОМ ДАЛЕКО!
      Error message = У ВАС НЕТ ЦЕЛИ.
      Error message = ВЫ СЛИШКОМ ДАЛЕКО!
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : Combat Bot
      Error message = ВЫ СЛИШКОМ ДАЛЕКО!
      This Тренировочный манекен is a bugged mob. Blacklisting for 1 hour.
      This Тренировочный манекен is a bugged mob. Blacklisting for 1 hour.

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