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  • [Guide - Kick] How to make profiles in HB2 (Grinding / Farming / Rep)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Kickazz006, Nov 27, 2010.

    1. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Alright guys, theres been a lot of requests for guides and profiles to be made (for beginners)

      First, I'm going to assume that you're competent enough to comprehend what is in this thread.

      If you have the mentality of a 10 year old, then please do not ask for my help. (Rude, but to the point)

      Tools you'll need:
      World of Warcraft (updated to latest version)
      HB2 (updated to latest version)
      A brain and comprehension skills

      Open WoW and log in your character (anything, something with a fast mount is great)
      Open HB2
      Open Notepad++ (I recommend downloading my default template for farming profiles, or a grinding profile with sub-profiles for comprehension purposes)
      ^^ I run 4 screens, so I keep HB2 on the right (when making / editing profiles), Notepad++ on the top, WoW in the middle... and Buddyforums on the right or top

      Figure out where you want to make a profile at (grinding / farming / rep -- its all the "same" grind mode)

      In my default template, I have added notes to everything so I'm not going to explain them here.

      Once you have found your spot, say you want to farm the rhino's in Borean Tundra ... I like hotspots ~20 yards away from each other, or closer, some people put them at 40-60 yards.

      I also like to loop at least once for complete farming (in case of respawns) and other hotspots many times. Below is a picture of why I do this:

      hotspots kick.jpg

      ^^ This is why my profiles usually don't get stuck and you get a lot of farming w/ minimal amount of time spent.

      Some people simply put 4 hotspots and let HB do the rest, which is fine. The ear farming in borean tundra is a simple 4 hotspot one that i've done.

      Your basic profile for farming will have between 5 and 20 hotspots. There is no need to hotspot to a vendor, mailbox, town, etc (or mesh like HB1). HB2 already has this "known".

      If you need to add a Mailbox to your profile, find the mailbox (with a repair person nearby usually) and click my location in front of the mailbox, add that to:
      All you have to do is use the "my location" to produce <Hotspot x y z /> and change Hotspot text to Mailbox and you're done.

      For repair / food npc's, simply click them and then click "my target", copy and paste under vendors
      Grind Area is a recent thing, mine works w/o it, but I went ahead and stuck it in. I put <GrindArea> before factions / targetting / hotspots / blackspots.

      So the next part of your profile would be:
      ^^ You get this while doing your hotspots, you click on mobs, click "target info" and find Faction = 23 (or some # there). You simply type that into <Factions> and put a space between #'s

      After Factions, you can do <TargetMinLevel>#</TargetMinLevel> and <TargetMaxLevel>#</TargetMaxLevel> if you like (ie: farming mobs where there are a wide range of levels in a small area). -- They're at the top in my profile. Target min / max is usually for grinding / questing and included in a lot of sub profiles

      After this is usually <Hotspots>
      To get hotspots, you go to your area and every 20-40 yards, click "my location" and it will generate a hotspot. You can label where things are if you are having problems (I had tons of problems with navmesh when fishing so I will label things after some hotspots) -- Generally with your "normal" profile, you can hotspot your whole "area" without stopping, then select all of your hotspots, ctrl+c (copy), click under <hotspots> in your notepad++ and ctrl+v (paste).

      save your work!

      make sure you have </GrindArea></Subprofile></HBProfile> and </anything else thats open> or HB2 will throw an error when you go to load your profile!

      **If you want to add Trainers, I'll be posting a 1-60 profile after HB2 is live and you can open that with Notepad++ to see how to add trainers (for leveling profiles)

      ^^ This is a thrown together thread, so I'll try to explain a few things below on my default template:


      <HBProfile creator="Kickazz006" version="1.0"> <!-- Beginning of HB profile -->
      Name>Kicks Default Profile</Name> <!-- Name of HB profile -->
      MinLevel>1</MinLevel>  <!-- minimum level that can use the HBProfile -->
      MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> <!-- max level that can use the HBProfile -->
      TargetElites>False</TargetElites> <!-- Target Elites setting -->

      MinDurability>0.3</MinDurability> <!-- Repair at 30durability -->
      MinFreeBagSlots>2</MinFreeBagSlots> <!-- How many free bag slots to keep until you need to sell mail -->
      Set your selling and mailing here -->

      SubProfile> <!-- For multiple profiles, use SubProfile -->
      Name>Farming Area Name</Name>
      MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <!-- Minimum Level that can use the SubProfile Useful if you are leveling and using multiple profiles -->
      MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> <!-- Maximum Level that can use the SubProfile Useful if you are leveling and using multiple profiles -->
              <!-- <
      TargetElites>False</TargetElites> --> <!-- Target Elites setting (Has to be outside of GrindArea but inside SubProfile or HBProfile -->
      I have mine inside of HBProfileso it is de-selected here -->
      Mailboxes>    <!-- Ally or Horde -->
      Mailbox X="4165.822" Y="5285.872" Z="27.3758" /> <!-- Fizzcrank Airstrip Mailbox (Borean Tundra) -->
      Vendors> <!-- Ally or Horde -->
      Vendor Name="Willis Wobblewheel" Entry="26599" Type="Repair" X="4135.004" Y="5281.168" Z="25.08798" />    <!-- Alliance Vendor -->
      Vendors> <!-- If making a leveling profileyou also stick Class Trainers in <Vendors>, per profile -->

      GrindArea> <!-- Beginning of farming area -->
      Factions>21 38 16</Factions> <!-- This is considered a(n"[Undead, Scourge, Wolf, Murloc]" -->
      TargetMinLevel>1</TargetMinLevel> <!-- Target minimum level mob -->
      TargetMaxLevel>87</TargetMaxLevel> <!-- Target maximum level mob -->
      Hotspots> <!-- These are the points around the area you want to farm -->
      Hotspot X="4012.699" Y="3692.576" Z="72.85017" />
      GrindArea> <!-- End of farming area -->
      AvoidMobs> <!-- Mobs you want to avoid not target (has to be outside of GrindArea) -->
      Mob Name="Brittle Skeleton" Entry="25377" /> <!--stupid low-hp skeletons -->

      Blackspots> <!-- Problem areas where you get stuck or you want to avoid (has to be outside of GrindArea but inside SubProfile OR HBProfile) -->
      Blackspot X="4092.35" Y="-3920.816" Z="176.1428" Radius="23.63587" />
      SubProfile> <!-- End of SubProfile Make another if you are leveling -->
      end of hb profile -->

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Dec 30, 2011
      Shaddar, leo, Kiyumi and 3 others like this.
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Last edited: Jan 7, 2012
    3. seVen

      seVen New Member

      Jan 31, 2010
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      Translated to German: Kicks Guide on How to make Grinding / Farming or Reputation Profiles for Honorbuddy2

      Programme die du brauchen wirst:

      World of Warcraft (100% Gepatcht)
      HB2 (Neuste Version)
      Notepad++ / oder ein anderer Text Editor

      • - ?ffne WoW und begieb dich zur gew?nschten Stelle
      • - Starte HB
      • - Downloade die Datei View attachment Grinding Profile Example.xml und ?ffne sie in Notepad++
      • - Lies dir die ge?ffnete Datei im Texteditor (Notepad++) mindestens 3 mal durch um den Aufbau zu verstehen.

      Wie erstelle ich Hotspots?

      Siehe Bild:

      Hotspot Tipps:

      Wenn euer Grind platz schnelle respawn raten hat (sprich, schnelles wiederkehren der Gegner) empfehle ich euch die Hotspots folgendermassen zu setzen.

      hotspots kick.jpg

      Wenn dies jedoch nicht der fall ist kann der Hotspot welcher sich in der mitte befindet entfernt werden.


      Wie F?ge ich Briefk?sten hinzu?

      Um einen Briefkasten Hinzuzuf?gen geht ihr wie folgt vor:

      Stellt euch vor den gew?nschten Briefkasten und erstellt einen Hotspot.
      (Wenn ihr nicht wisst wie das geht schaut das Bild unter "Wie erstelle ich Hotspots" an.)

      Der erhaltene Hotspot f?gt ihr in euer Profil ein unter dem Tag ?<Mailboxes> </Mailboxes>?, achtet jedoch darauf das ihr euer Hotspot zu ?<Mailbox ...? umbenennt.

      <Mailbox X Y Z /> 

      Wie f?ge ich Verkaufs und Reperatur NPCs Hinzu?

      Siehe Bild:


      Wie F?ge ich Factionen Hinzu?

      Siehe Bild:

      Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2012

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