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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Jun 25, 2013.

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    1. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      A lot of high-energy developers have 'questing' projects scattered throughout the forums. This list attempts to provide a 'jump page' to the threads of regular and recent contributors that keep their offerings up-to-date.

      There are tons of profile gems in the forum. So, if an author is not on this list, it is not meant to be a slight. This list was created because there is limited space for 'stickied' posts in the forums. Please dig around to find the gems that are not listed here.

      Cava (Community developer)
      • Cava's Profiles lvl 1 to 90
        A very ambitious questing profile pack. Currently supports 1-67, and 85-90, but is actively being expanded and improved. Cava offers 'loot' and 'no loot' variants of the profiles--this is user-selectable. With 'no loot', the profile only loots quest items, which accelerates quest completion rate at the expense of acquiring coin. This is ideal for twinked toons that have no serious need for money.

      EchoTiger / Frostfever / Mjj23 (Community developers)

      Guest123 (Community developer)

      Kick (BosslandGmbH developer)
      • Kick's Mega Profile Packs 1-90
        This is the official 'questing' profile pack supplied by BosslandGmbH as part of Honorbuddy.
        The package contains questing from 1-90 for all races/classes. It also contains some Seasonal profiles (Halloween, Orphan's week, etc), older 'reputation' profiles (through Cataclysm), and a few older daily profiles.

      TheBrodieman (Community developer)
      • TheBrodieMan's Profile Compendium
        The complete works of TheBrodieMan. The works include:
        • [Rep] The Complete MoP Daily Experience
          This is the definitive work for Mists of Panderia dailies and reputation acquisition. This profile pack will do the necessary pre-requirements to open up the MoP daily chains. Two exceptions are the pre-reqs for Klaxxi and Isle of Thunder. The Klaxxi pre-reqs are fulfilled by most of the quests in Townlong Steppes and Dread Wastes. Kick's or Cava's questing profiles should acquire these pre-reqs for you. The Isle of Thunder pre-reqs need a number of scenarios to be completed manually.

        • The Animus
          A relatively new entry to the 'questing' profile mega-pack category, one of this package's goals is the LoreMaster achievement.

        • Leveling Do-er Quester Thingy!
          An alternative to the BossandGmbH-provided Honorbuddy 1-90 Mega Profile Pack questing profiles. Provides variety and competition which is always good. However, the project is still incomplete.

      Thumped (Community developer)

      Twist (Community developer)
      Eclipse Profile Creator
      This clever plugin provides a GUI interface for writing Questing and Grinding profiles with ease. Eclipse presents you with dialogs indicating which attributes are required and optional. Selecting a target in the game world, and clicking a button can acquire much of this information automatically. The output is a properly formed XML profile usable by Honorbuddy.

      Even better, Eclipse is a "round trip" editor. This means it can take an existing profile, parse it, and present you with the same nice GUI for making modifications to existing profiles.

      World Explorer - Title, Tabard and Achievement!
      Nets you the "World Explorer" Achievement, that rewards a title and a unique tabard.​

      [size=-2]General guidelines for listing on this jump page:
      • Offerings must be up-to-date
      • Offerings must be actively supported and used by the Community
      • Offering is a significant 'mega pack', or authors provide a number of profiles in discrete projects
      • Preference is given to questing profiles
      • Preferences are given to team efforts
      Last edited: Oct 27, 2014
      odarn and Botanist like this.
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