Aviator This profile is designed to learn all the available flight paths on every continent!!!. Includes a selection of available paths for your convenience !!. This allows you to choose a specific continent or learn all available flight paths. ***** Information ***** Code: [CENTER] [LIST] [*][B][COLOR=#008000][SIZE=4]Completed[/SIZE]:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=#0000CD]Alliance:[/COLOR] Eastern Kingdoms Kalimdor Outland Northrend Pandaria [COLOR=#FF0000]Horde:[/COLOR] Kalimdor Eastern Kingdoms Outland Northrend Pandaria [/LIST] [/CENTER] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] ***** Instructions ***** Code: [LIST] [*]Initiate HonorBuddy. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Select Questing as your bot base. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Click the load profile button and browse to the Aviator auto-loader. Double click the auto loader profile. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Click start on the bot. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] ***** Prerequisites ***** Code: [LIST] [*]Your character [U]must[/U] be a minimum of level 60 to begin the profile. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Your character [U]must[/U] have 500+ gold in their bags if you have not already trained [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/spell=34090"][COLOR=#800080][SIZE=3][B]Expert Riding[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL] [SIZE=5]&[/SIZE] purchased a [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/spell=90267"][COLOR=#800080][SIZE=3][B]Flight Master's License[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL] to complete the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor portions of the profile. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Your character [U]must[/U] have 500+ gold in their bags if you have not already trained [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/spell=54197/cold-weather-flying"][COLOR=#800080][B]Cold Weather Flying[/B][/COLOR][/URL] and a minimum level of 68 to complete the Northrend portion of the profile. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Your character [U]must[/U] a minimum level of 80 to complete the Twilight Highlands and Uldum portions of the profile. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]Your character [U]must[/U] a minimum level of 90 to complete the Pandaria portion of the profile. [/LIST] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] [LIST] [*]- [/LIST] credits Botanist