Horde Skinning Profiles 1 - 525 check these options for skinning to work [ GRIND BOT ] [ CLICK ON SETTINGS AND TOOLS ] [CHECK ADVANCED] [ ITS HARD TO SEE BUT ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE A SCROLL BAR POPS UP SO SCROLL DOWN AND CHECK LOOT MOBS, SKIN MOBS, NINJA ] [ BOT CONFIG ] [ UNCHECK GROUND MOUNT FARMING MODE ] [ PROFIT ] maps for all profiles are per this skinning guide at wow professions WoW Skinning Guide 1-450 | Skinning Leveling Guide watch your training points they do not coincide with moving to a new location usually 5 points off.
Thank you so much. This is the last profession in the game that isnt 525 and i was totally dreading it. thank you for this profile as well as your hard work.
Where at in hyjal and uldum do these go to. Looking at the link posted it doesnt go to 525. Thank you again for this profile. Just screenshots would help so i know where to start at in each zone.
hyjal is stags in the circle of cinders area but this was a terrible spot for my lvl 80 hunter too many adds so gains were slow uldum is crocolisks south of lost city of tolvir im not taking screenshots of this shit all of the profiles follow wow professions and the last two i had to come up with on my own because wow professions skinning guide is only 1-450.
Btw, i got to 350 in a few hours using these on my lvl 68 warrior, and then he's gone to about 430 just doing a quest profile in northrend (72 so far). Worked a treat, not a single issue other than lack of vendors in some (although I suspect if you sold between each profile manually that wouldn't be an issue). Thanks very much.
I did this one Durotar Skinning 1-60.xml last night and it was great..... Gonna start the second part..... Thanks.. +Rep
These profiles are awesume, currently using these on a level 85 paladin and everything is going well and am level 125 from 1 using these in only a hour or so.
twilight withering...theres a link with pretty maps for all the profiles except the last two and i described there location.
correct i made these profiles as i leveled my skinning. i added mailboxes and vendors if there were any nearby but most locations dont have anything close.
I used the Hyjal with an Alliance toon and didn't have any issues. Thanks a lot for this awesome profile!
Just tried the 2kn profile. It runs down onto the beach, grinds a few mobs, runs through the town, then runs into the water and and swims around doing nothing. I'm assuming that it's not tweaked for the cata zone changes. Anyone know of a working skinning profile for a lvl 40 to go from 205-300 skinning?