I did as requested. I disabled all addons and cleared the wow cache folder. It is still crashing. I have attached the HB log at the time of the crash as well as the WOW crash crash dump.
make a fresh install of honorbuddy into a new folder. so you can try running it with singular so we can see if it crashes again.
I am currently running this test and will reply back with my findings. In the mean time, I was wondering if it were possible that a CR was requesting memory access (read or write) at a speed that HB could not keep up with and thus causing the crash?
I'll start reporting logs, it's not uncommon these days for wow to crash recently, at least once a day for me (min). Looked in my wow/errors folder. I've got a fair few, everyone says "The memory could not be "read" as the general message.
Hi, I just had a crash now. HB was running, I just typed /logout. As I wanted to quickly mail myself some gold but it crashed as soon as I pressed enter after typing /logout. I was running CC: TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition Bot: Tyrael (NoFramelock) <Logs attached here> View attachment CrashLogs.zip
The crash issue did not occur while using Singular. Which brings me back to my previous question. Is it possible that a CR could be asking HB to access memory (read or write) too often? I am not referring to the TPS of the bot base. I am referring to an actual query being made by the CR or commands being send by the CR. Is there a limit to the number of times per second that HB can access memory without causing a crash? The reason I am asking is there is something in TuanHA's Healing CR's that is causing the issue. I have been able to duplicate the issue in his Monk and Pally CR's. The feature that I am thinking that is the issue is the "Search Unit Around Interval (ms)". The default setting is 100ms. I have tried increasing this time to settings up to 500ms and there are still crashes. I am about to try to increase it up to 1000ms to see if that has an effect on the issue. Prior to that feature being added there were very little issues. That being said, why would the number of times that memory is accessed cause WOW to have stability issues and crash? I understand that CR support is not your responsibility, but the stability of the HB platform is and any limitation on the amount of times that memory can accessed should be documented and shared with the CR developers so that they can code appropriately or ensure that any such limit does not exist.