Been having this problem since I came back, and never sorted it out. What is the correct way to specify the 2 mounts I want to use ? Which of the 3 possible tick boxes need to be ticked to ensure I use the flying mount of my choice and the ground mount of my choice, or do I need to check any, can I just put the 2 moutnid's in I want to use and tick nothing. I have tried many combinations on many characters and I cannot get it to do this simple task, it will always pick random mounts I don't want to use. G
What I do is i turn on combat bot pick a ground mount and a flying mount then i click automatic and it should only use those two mounts that u pick
Tick Use mount and get the mount ID from wowhead example Enter 61447 in the Ground "cuz its a ground mount" and you'll get travelers tundra mammoth and enter 40192 in the flying and you'll get the ashes of al'ar Just a reminder this is not the item id but rather the spell id in wowhead so you go to wowhead click on the mount you want then click on the tab "teaches (x*)" and click on the spell for the mount *x is a number usually one for mounts.
If you want to manually type out (or use the ID) the mount names you want you're going to want to disable all of them (Random, Automatic, and Use Native Flying). Use Native Flying is essentially only for the people testing this feature, and isn't meant to be turned on outside of that.
click "Settings and Tools" and under the mounts section, turn off Random, and Automatically. after that type in the NAMES of the mounts you want to use in the boxes. try and stay away from rare or hard to get mounts. then try it again. if it fails then please upload a new log as an attachment so we can see whats going on.
Ok, seesm to be working so far, I guess having so many tick boxes to choose people like me think they actually need to tick them. I don't understand when I change my mounts in the boxes HB ignores what i have just typed and reverts to the old ones, does HB need to be restarted to remember new mounts or can this be done on the fly ? Andh I don't understand why I am riding everywhere when I have mop flying and just finishing off Kick's leveling profiles, surely i should fly if I have that ability ? maybe thats something else ? G