Hi so I have a problem with my bot it doesn't follow the kick profile mount hyjal 80-82 at all, as soon as I load the profile it just auto flies into a mountain. I had no troubles at all with leveling my first character with these profiles. But now he doesn't do any quests at all. Is there a way to completetly reset the bot's saved profiles etc? I tried reinstalling 2 times but the old files are still saved in the bot I also tried deleting all folders I could find and stuff were still saved inside the honorbuddy client when I reinstalled it. Is there anyway to reset the every setting that you have put in using the bot? I just want to do everything from the get go since I had no problems at all with my first character.
Yes Nuclearpanda I did the quest from orgrimmar first for the bot and then started it once I reached mount hyjal, was that a bad idea? I did that the last time and it worked perfectly fine tho.
http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/9859-how-attach-your-hb-db-log-file-pictures.html Def gotta give props to Tony for always having this thing handy lol
I clicked the Attachments and uploaded there hopefully it comes up here in the thread. Because I don't have the "paper icon" on my browser hehe. Just want to thank you guys for trying to help me out.
We can't start flying from current location. Its either indoors or there is some object on top. Moving to a better position to take off. Where exactly are you starting the bot at? And just to reiterate, you've already done the quest you get from Org where it ports you to another location and you have to ride on the dragons back to reach Hyjal correct? You log was blacklisting an npc quest giver, that's why I ask.
Nuclearpanda, I am starting the bot just inside the mount hyjal starting place, I did the org quest where I take the dragon etc to mount hyjal. Its so confusing that this is happening Plez help.
[13:05:51.173 D] We can't start flying from current location. Its either indoors or there is some object on top. Moving to a better position to take off.
Alright Tony, sorry I'm a total noob xD. Whats my solution here? Because when I set him free he just flies out to nowhere, instead of slaying the quest mobs infront of him.
try to clear you cache plz http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/108771-help-desk.html#post1067458 keep us updated
It started questing for about 20 seconds then it stopped and it auto stops now with this message: Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!