I did that and it works great however there still are some nethercite ore nodes up top that it tries to get. whats your loot radius set to Ex? Maybe if i lower mine it will not go that far to get it?
Well so far this has gotten me from Neutral to Honored in about a day. I did have the issue with my char trying to run out of the mine and getting stuck making a left... but somehow HB figured it out and it doesn't get stuck anymore. Go figure. I'll have to say this plugin is great. Big thumbs up. I don't think I could sit and grind this out by hand.
i cant interact with the eggs at all (not even without bot) is there some pre quest you need to have beforehand?
NetherwingCollecter 1.7 Reverted back to previous loot settings Changed looting to wait for lootframe to show and close. If you have a looting addon you probably need to disable it. Made it easy to choose what and what not to collect, need to open up the plugin in a text editor and change the following to whatever suits you. static bool CollectOre = true; static bool CollectHerbs = true; static bool CollectEggs = true;
Thanks for the plugin voltz and the profile ex. I havent been watching it much at all but over an 8 or so hour period I had around 30 eggs. Ive never seen it harvest an egg (I havent seen an egg down there) but Im assuming its working I should be close to exalted today XD
when you hit exalted, be prepared for the longest flight of your life. netherwing ledge to shat on the back of a drake that moves so fucking slow it's hardly believable.
Well, im thinking; why isent it killing everymob down in the mine? I have mining and Ore collect =true
Well, what it does is. Running to the mine, but getting attacked at the road to the mine, has a previous target and starts to run back to the previous targte, kill everything and chasing the evaders, then run to the mine and over again
mine never leaves the mine so i have no idea what's wrong with yours. what do you have your loot distance set to?
Is there a way to blackspot some nodes? my toon runs out of the Mine to harvest 2 Ores, and it is a big waist of time. It spots it from under the ground.
Looking at the Plugin, maybe change the "(o.Entry == 185877 && Me.GetSkill(SkillLine.Mining).CurrentValue >= 350 ) || " 350 value to a little less like 100 would work with not going out of the mine?