So this is my first try to develop a HB Addon and my English isn't good too. Using HB without any whisper notify is crap so i decided to make my own while the other guys updating their great Plugins. This Plugin does just one thing: It plays a sound file when your char receives a whisper. BN whisper should work but i couldn't test it. To learn to dev a simple HB Plugin quickly i used code from RedAlert and Mr.ItemRemover. Thank you guys! SVN: Needed Path: Plugins\WhisperNotify Working HB Version: all Feel free to post your thoughs. EDIT: I don't play WoW anymore so i'll not give support anymore.
OMG! forgot i downloaded it...was cooking dinner and almost shat myself when it went of in the stereo system :S ...... it works
paranoid would love to have a paranoid feature that makes the alarm go off if any non npc is within X yards, just to be safe if afk botting.
you wouldnt be exanding to, say, emote etc? =) and or , when your name is mentioned in gchat or raidchat? =).
i don't want to put much features in this plugin because with just a few functions i'm a lot faster when it needs an update. But i'll try to add some function for a playername in g,p,r,s,emote chat ;-). I dont want to add say and these things generally because if hb goes to an city to train or whatever there are a lot says and emotes and the alarm would kill you ^^.
checkbox for each^^ its mainly for grinding, if someone comes and trolls you thinkin ur a bot, they usually do an emote, or /s, if ur grinding while in raid, say on the bench, and dont want to listen to vent, maybe watching a movie or whatever, and there like HEY ARE YOU THERE <NAME>!=?! =).
Wow no checkboxes! That would be more than this plugin is made for. But there is the great ShutUp Plugin in this forum. Maybe it's what you are searching for. It has a ton of great features. Reading the quote of my last post shows me a lot of spelling mistakes. Sorry for that ;-)
No Update for current release needed. If you have Problems just try to hit "Recompile all" in the Plugins window.
Just keep plugin the way it is, there is also another plugin for chat notify if someone want it. WhisperNotify is lite plugin and works very well. TY for this, imo much better than shutup with usles autoreply funcion.
love it * not like it, great work, keep it allways up to date x3 it should be in HB instalation, as deflaut allert.
Thank you very much. The base of this plugin is that you have an alert that works on most cases even HB has realeased a new version. I hate to wait after a new release on plugin updates and a whisper alert is very important to me. So that's why this plugin is so small. There will be no more functions in future so you can use it on any release (hopefully ^^). Since plugin release i've never had to update it ;-). Thanks again for your feedback "umshakalaka".