Hello Fellow botters. This plugin draws in-game objects to an overlay that is positioned over the WoW window as seen in the Screen shot below. To use this plugin you must Copy the 'Radar' folder into your 'Honorbuddy/Plugins' Folder Start up Honorbuddy and enable the 'Radar' Plugin Switch to WoW and press the F1 key which shows the radar window (Key can be changed in plugin settings) Honorbuddy doesn't need to be running (start button pressed) Things you can do Left Clicking on a Npc/Player from the radar will target it Clicking middle mouse button on radar to focus it then scrolling mouse wheel zooms in and out Left Clicking on an empty spot and dragging mouse will move the radar Change what it tracks from the plugin settings If anyone wants to develop this further contact me Enjoy
Uses ? When leveling a character by hand you can see mob paths and sneak between them. You canb see where that elusive mob you can't find really is, many uses. I used the old stand alone program previously, it was very handy. G
it's good for various things including questing development for those gameobjects or npcs that are hiding also great for pvp (ie: rated bgs)
in order for it work in rated bgs, it needs to "see" farther than what an actual player can see, and this doesn't. In chance you can increase the range?
Version 1.1 is now attached to 1st post. I added a text field to enter a specific WoWHead Id or name to track
This sounds amazing, does this track humanoids and such? (eg. Being a rogue and be able to track other players of both factions, similar to a hunter)
This has potential, as we already discussed yesterday. We have Lazyraider to make 5mans, normal and even heroic raids a lot easier. WoW had AVR-Encounters for graphical overlay in 3D and Hudmap for the same in 2D We have a very simple form of that (rangeframes) in the famous Bossbods DBM, BigWigs , DXE etc and we also have warnings for most important boss abilities. BUT with hbs ability to read wows memory, and this technique it should be possible to make it even better than hudmap+avre+bossmod. On the matter of making overlays transparent to the mouse, so you can interact with with the game, might that be helpful? Transparent, Click-Through Forms - CodeProject
can you make this bigger? like go into AB and I could see everything on radar standing from Stables? right now I can only see the area around stables... not every usefull since I can do that myself