Ore Per Hour Ore Per Hour is a very quick plugin I made in response to the following post: http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/support-issues/42067-honorbuddy-ores-per-hour.html Very simply after a defined number of minutes it show you in the log, how many ores you have mined, as well as your current Ore Per Hour collection. It is also available on the fly by opening the Plugin's settings window. It is currently un-tested and knocked up in notepad as I don't have Visual Studio to hand at present so I expect there to be some issues. If people come across them please post them here and I will update them. You can change the number of minutes it waits to check by changing the below in OresPerHour.cs Code: private const int MinutesBetweenCheck = 5; Download Via SVN https://narayan.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Plugins
Bah! Could have sworn I put in a catch for that! Will update now I have Visual Studio and not just notepad