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  • [Plugin] Interact Reset [Beta] (Instance Farm / Reset)

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by baxterboy, Nov 18, 2010.


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    1. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      Interact Reset [Beta]
      by Baxterboy

      Currently supports Honorbuddy

      What is it?
      Interact Reset is a Plugin which has the ability to farm instances & reset it once the time limit has exceeded or a specified Npc has been found dead. Vendor & Mail functions as you would expect are supported.

      This Plugin is still in a Beta stage which means features are missing & there are bugs, this also means in its current state there is no Gui which requires you to edit the .cs file to configure the Plugin.
      The Plugin is coded very basic but with some feedback, suggestions & bug reports I will begin rewriting it in a higher quality for a full release which will also include a Gui.
      This Plugin is NOT for those who expect it to work without some manual configuration first!

      - Reset instance after a set time which is configurable, Default is 20 minutes.
      - Reset instance after a NPC with a configured ID is killed.
      - Optional Vendoring & Mailing, Default is set at 4 Free Bagslots.
      - Open Gates, two configurable timers to make Stratholme Mount runs possible.

      Known Issues:
      - When using Timed reset the first hour may lose one of its hourly lockouts.
      - Some instances have issues retrieving corpse.
      - If you have a high CPU load you may experience crashes on zoning.

      -Login to WoW & Start Honorbuddy.
      -Enable Interact Reset.
      -Stand in the same map as the instance you want to farm, Can be at the vendor near the Entrance Portal or inside the instance itself.
      -Hit Start.

      The Plugin isn't guarenteed to play nicely with other Plugins I haven't tested it extensivley.

      If you have any questions, feature or profile requests & bug reports please reply to this post with a good description.

      There are two files uploaded, One is preconfigured for Stratholme if you cannot get the hang of the options & the other is set with Default values. There are only 3 profiles with this at the moment (Stockades, Stratholme(Mount run) & Zul'Farrak).

      Version 1, 0, 0:
      -Initial Release.

      Sorry about all the configuration, If things go well the full release will have a clean Gui & coded to a higher standard.

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
      snooze likes this.
    2. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      -openGate: Allow opening gates: true = yes & false = no.
      -wantVendor: Use Vendor & Mail: true = yes & false = no.
      -wantTimer: Trigger instance reset via Timer: true = yes & false = no.
      -npcReset: Trigger instance reset by killing specific Npc: true = yes & false = no.
      -npcID: ID for the Npc you want to reset after killing: Default = 1234.
      -freeBS: How many free Bagspots before Vendor: Default = 4.

      Timer Configuration:
      There are three timers.
      (i)Instance Reset timer: as default this is 20 Minutes
      (ii)Open Door timer: This one will work anywhere and has a built in 5.2 second pause for the cast to open doors. 35 second cooldown by default.
      (iii)Open Door timer two: This only works inside instances & does not pause, this is on a shorter cooldown to function with instant cast doors. 15 seconds cooldown by default.

      The format for the time is (HH, MM, SS) Hours, Minutes & Seconds.
      (i) _intReset: (0, 20, 0).
      (ii) _intDoorcd: (0, 0, 35).
      (iii) _intDoorcdi: (0, 0, 15).

      Profile Configuration:
      To change profiles you will need to edit a name in 4 lines of code, the structure is as follows:
      The Stratholme in the code above is which profile you want to run, the word Stratholme must be changed to the Folder Name where the profiles are contained.
      For example to run Zul'Farrak I would change "Stratholme" to "ZulFarrak" because that's the name of the folder.

      Making Profiles:
      There is a Template profile in the Profiles folder. Basically each instance consists of 4 profiles.
      Farm.xml = This is the profile which will be used to actually grind the mobs inside the instance, there isn't any special instruction for this.
      Exit.xml = This profile will allow you to leave the instance when a reset or vendor is required. This must contain the Exit Portal coordinate.
      Vendor.xml = This is the profile used when vendoring, This profile must contain the Mailbox & Vendor locations & have a <hotspot> nearby/inbetween both locations. Also your Mailing & Vendor options should be set in this profile.
      Return.xml = This is used for entering the instance from outside. This must contain the Enter Portal coordinate.

      Portal Coordinates: These coordinates should be recorded far into the portal as you can go almost, It can be very tricky sometimes but as long as you are zoned when the bot stands on the coordinate it should work.

      The folder structure should be as follows:
      Honorbuddy -> Plugins -> InteractReset -> Profiles -> Template -> Farm, Exit, Vendor & Return.xml

      If you make profiles for yourself please do share with others. :)
      Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
      Ronnieole likes this.
    3. Ronnieole

      Ronnieole New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I am going to try this! seems like a lot of fun!
    4. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      Alot of configuration without a gui! haha, but once its setup it can be left on all night in my experience.

      Left it farming ZF over night a few times, Mageweave cloth price has dropped a ton. :( lol
      Last edited: Nov 18, 2010
    5. Ronnieole

      Ronnieole New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      So I guess I should vote for a GUI hehe :) Im downloading now and omw to stratholme :)
      Sitting at work.... but not much to do here as Ive disabled all users so they cant send me mails about problems :D (nah)
    6. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      Stratholme is a baron run with the default profile. I have done this on a level 70 when testing. Only issue in stratholme was when the door timers were on cd sometimes you'd run into the gate until it came off cd. But doesn't really matter considering you're in there alone. :p
    7. Ronnieole

      Ronnieole New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Lol .... I dont have the key for Stratholme :?( hehe

      MDWIEMANN New Member

      Aug 23, 2010
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      Awesome release!!! I will test it out on lock with 96 mounts trying to get to 100
    9. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      About the baronrun profile...
      Does it assume to use the service entrance (backdoor) or the main entrance?
      Will test this out later tonight on my drood.
    10. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      Service Entrance mate.
    11. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      For anybody who has tested this could you report back any major & minor issues?
      I would like to begin a rewrite on this shortly & I don't want to reproduce any bugs.
    12. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      For starters it doesn't do anything (the stratholme verion), because you made absolute paths in the file (and 'forgot' to rename accordingly).
      In the file you refer to the profiles in the following path:
      private static string farmProf = Application.StartupPath + "\\Plugins\\InteractReset\\Profiles\\
      But you named and packed the pluginfolder for stratholme (the zip) as InteractReset[Stratholme] so that would mean the path would have to be:
      private static string farmProf = Application.StartupPath + "\\Plugins\\InteractReset[Stratholme]\\Profiles\\
      I'm making a clean start now with a clean bot, and only a limited amount of plugins.
      I think lootfilter is much advised to get rid of greys.
      Report back later with results.

      Edit1: I received a error 132 (with crash of WoW) while opening the second gate. Doesn't have to do anything with the plugin, but I will try again :)
      Edit2: As you wrote in your first post, it tends to run into the gate for a while before it attempts to open it and then goes trough. After renaming the map it started on it's own and just went inside. No crash this time.

      ps. Would you prefer me to make a new post everytime, or shall I keep this one updated with findings?
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
    13. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      Whichever you prefer mate, but il sort anything you find hopefully. cheers for the feedback etc.

      EDIT: Fixed the Stratholme.zip directory names.
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
    14. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I will write a new post after you replied. That way I know you've read the former comments and it's clear that there's a new issue, bug, whatever ^^
      I'm purely testing the stratholme profile atm so whatever I find over there I report back here.

      Noticed so far:

      - It tries to interact with doors it can't interact with (the doors of the ziggurats, the door to the baron for example). Or with doors that are already open. Not really disturbing, but I guess it's not intended behaviour.
      - It didn't loot everything from the baron the run I kept an eye on it. It looted the first item, and left the rest. The baron was also not in the lootlist anymore of HB (thank god no mount dropped). I don't know if this is gonna be recurring. Will have to see about AutoBoP or similar (this one is outdated).
      - Think the following is more HB related. It counts special bags along for free bagspace (I have a herb bag equipped as last bag. I had 2 free spaces in my normal bag and 6 in my herb bag. The bot didn't go for a mailrun. Instead it went back into the instance. When I unstacked the herbs so the places were taken it went for mail). Maybe an option to force it to make a mailrun after every clear?
    15. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      -As for looting only 1 item from Baron, On my tests it looted every item really quickly, Maybe its a HB issue? the Plugin doesnt handle looting. I could probably add some support for it though.
      -The doors on the Ziggamabobbys maybe I can add a blackspot there, reason the opendoor cooldown is how it is because it used to stunlock itself while looting with Thread.Sleep.
      -And on the Vendor after every run, I can do that

      As always thanks for the info. :)
    16. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Next thing I noticed.
      - I just made it do a vendor run (for obvious reasons), and now we run into the fact it doesn't sell the soulbound items it looted from the bosses. In no way I would like it to vendor soulbound gear and items by itself (ffs, there goes the T10 :p) but something like a ForceSell list if that's possible with HB would be preferred. Then it's just a matter of taking the lootlist from WoWhead and parse it into file with name and itemID which are forced to sell, whether it's soulbound or not.
      It only vendored items, it didn't do any mailing (since after the vendoring it had enough space again so went back to the dungeon).
      - After return to the dungeon it crashed again with ERROR #132 on the second gate. It makes me wonder what's up here. Might it be that there's something wrong after all?

      I will put my crash (wow) and log (HB) file here up for grabs for you. There are a few exceptions thrown by your plugin (just have a look at it).
    17. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      I noticed the crash tended to be with a high CPU load. But yeah think theres something up with the bot trying to function on loading screens, think thats what causes it. Stratholme seems to have a higher crash rate, As ZF never crashed for me.
    18. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I don't think I'm suffering from a high CPU load.
      I run a Core2 Duo T9400 with a decent graphics card (9700M GT) and 4 GB of ram for a single WoW and HB instance.
      Nothing else is running along.
      If it happens again we'll see what's up. I gonna start it up one more time before normal gameplay starts :)
      It's not on loading screens, it's the gate inside the instance after zoning in.
    19. baxterboy

      baxterboy New Member

      Jul 9, 2010
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      The gate, Never had that before il check the Logs shortly.

      I'll try make the whole door interaction better.
    20. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Oh, and while you're at it. I have your elixir thing in use. It's also doing funny :p Like taking a flask every few minutes or so :D

      Edit1: When stopping the bot during travel from repair/mail to the dungeon and you manually enter the dungeon (while the bot is stopped) and then starting the bot, it doesn't like that very much either :p
      It keeps the travel profile in it's memory, and doesn't detect it's zoned in already. So it ends in a loop trying to go somewhere it can't go since there's no path to be generated. Stopping and restarting the bot also didn't have the desired effect. I had to manually pick the "farm" profile to make it continue on it's way.
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2010

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