My first quick and dirty plugin to help with Sha'tari Skyguard reputation. What does it do? 1. If you have any 'Elixir of Shadows' quest items in your bag, it will use them to ensure you always maintain the 'Elixir of Shadows' buff. You want this to kill the Time-Lost mobs who drop the Time-Lost Scrolls for both added kill reputation, and to utilize step 2 below. 2. If you approach a skull-pile and have 10 Time-Lost Scrolls, it will activate the pile and spawn one of the bosses. It will determine which boss to spawn based on the boss items you need. Each boss drops 1 item, and if you obtain all 4 you can hand these in at the base for further reputation and to start another quest which rewards a ton more reputation. What it does NOT do 1. It does not hand in any quest items (Shadow Dust, or the items we loot from the bosses). You will need to do this yourself manually. Use this with Use this with[rep]-panyamas-shatari-skyguard.html- which is an awesome profile. Thanks I "borrowed" some code from TidyBags and Netherwing Collector. Thanks to the developers of those. Support The code is quick and dirty and works for me. It can probably be cleaned up and optimized dramatically, however I will not be doing this.
THIS is what I was missing, lol! You must gather shadow dusts, deliver them and load a good bunch of Shadow Elixirs. This plugin will maintain up the buff from the elixirs, speeding up a lot your grinding to exalted. Very good plugin, mate. Thanks a lot!
Link is broken :S whut profile is it good with? Edit: Works great with link looks the same as thread owner posted guess it is the same but it links u correct