PartyBuddy - By Smarter - Current Version: v0.0.2.5 Purpose: [Multibotting] To ensure your party is always comprised as you specify. Ensuring that multiple bots stay partied even if doing random dungeons. Configuration: Edit PartyBuddy.cs - Code: // -- CONFIGURATION -----------------// _followerList = new List<string> {"player1", "player2", "player3", "player4"}; _leaderName = "leaderName"; _memberType = _me.Name == _leaderName ? MemberType.Leader : MemberType.Member; _leaderCheck = false; // Check if I am Leader | Set to False if doing Random Dungeons. //EOF CONFIGURATION -----------------// Usage: Configure, and place identical copies in each Bots "Plugins" folder, and enable. Known Issues: Some "Special Character" character names cause issues. Download: View attachment PartyBuddy.cs Your're welcome, Smarter
from OP post "Purpose: Automatic management of your Party, ensuring that your party is comprised as specified." Nope
Trying to use this addon with GrindBot and Instancebuddy, but having a small problem. Every time the bots join a dungeon, one or both of them will immediately leave as the leader of the group isn't the "correct" one, and there are other people in the party. Code: [09:13:41:712] Changed tilemap to StormwindJail, Tiled: False [09:13:41:714] Loading StormwindJail [09:13:41:735] [PartyBuddy]: Party Check Timer Finished [09:13:41:735] [PartyBuddy]: CheckForFollowers(): [09:13:41:735] [PartyBuddy]: IsPartyLeader()? [09:13:41:754] [PartyBuddy]: CheckForFollowers(): I am NOT the Leader, and i'm supposed to be! - Leaving Party Any way to supress this check when you are in a random dungeon?
I'll have to add that in, check back shortly. Edit: Added functionality for doing Random Dungeons. Set _leaderCheck to false.
55 Downloads, and NO issues? This would have to be a record? Any issues, improvements, suggestions, anything? This a simple enough project to be easily improved in my very sparse free time. Smarter
I'm looking for various plugins for parties and I stumbled on this. I can't however figure out exactly what it does. I see your description, but won't I know exactly what my party is comprised of if I'm the one controlling who I party with... my own characters for instance? If I join a random dungeon or BG I dont have control over who is in my party. Does this like help your characters compliment each other or something? Sorry to sound stupid.. I just dont get it
This is for multi-botting, it will make sure you are always partied to your other bots. And in the order you decided (as in PlayerA is always Party Leader, etc). This plugin also helps for multi-botting while doing dungeons. It will make sure before, and after a LFG that you are partied to your other bot.
Could you make an option to make it set the loot type too? For example, I want FFA loot when my RaF characters are farming.