Hi, This is my first post, and request... sorry for whatever mistakes it may contain I have been looking in all posts regarding selling using the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth, saw the plugin for it and its not fully operational and of course will limit you to using the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth as a mount all time, including flying zones. so, could you please help by updating the plugin and: 1- make the plugin call mounting only for selling .. then let the HB deiced which mount it want to use to navigate 2- let the selling be by colors of items, so a select box for whits, greens, blues, etc.. else is saved 3- "this could be part of profiles, not the bot" - make it take the char to a safe place rather then selling between mobs and get killed thanks all
something then is wrong then, I use the downloaded HB in default settings & I update whenever it tells me a new version exist, every now and then i delete it entirely and install HB and other stuff fresh.. few things I change like whom to email my full bags to and pull distance... i tried over night with my "find vendors automatically" checked and unchecked, both cases the Grind bot ran to nearest vendor. i do remember one time it was running to nearest vendor on the Tundra Mammoth would please let me know where i missed to configure it, if any exits?