Hey guys, for various quests I have to keep up a disguise, or have a 'pet' (npc near me) which also gives off an aura. I need a plugin that I can easily input the QuestId (hopefully, so it doesn't spam it when not needed), ItemId, and AuraId, and when (in combat would be nice (as an optional setting) in case it fails, but not required - and I can set this on my own as well) it is not on me, then RunLua UseItemByName() w/ (hopefully) a WaitTime that I can also set (some are instant such as the pet, others take a few seconds to cast). If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, or bug me on IRC QuakeNet Web IRC (qwebirc) I know that Curpurse plugin (which Kaz edited for me for simply using items in bags, if I have that item) works fine, but I need the Me.HasAura attached to it (or Lack of the aura ) It would be nice to have a list that I can easily edit inside of the .cs file (or if you're awesome, a UI that I can simply add stuff to, and the users and I can both see it via the popup ui - not required but fun to have) - Kick Here is something that KaZ edited from CutPurse for me. It was called "UseThatShit", but it's a little offensive to some I guess So I renamed it "OpenThatStuff". He basically took the poisons and some other stuff out of it.
Is this what you need? If something doesn't work as expected or you need extra Features just let me know With a Plugin you could nearly do everything.
Some Explanations: If you gave him a wrong ItemID or QuestID He will do Nothing. If you gave him 0 as Item or AuraID he will also do nothing. If you gave him 0 as QuestID he will use The Item everytime he hasn't got the Buff.
Heyho I advancet the Plugin: Now you can insert 1-3 Quests for each Item/Aura And 6 different Setups. If this is not enough I could expand this very easy. PS: in the File Settings.cs is a Variable if you set it true the Savebutton is locked and nobody could make chances. So you could insert the defaults in the Plugin and lock them to prevent false settings from other users