Heya, I am looking for a plugin or maybe someone that can help me make it to overwrite the go back to guildbank function GB2 uses to use teleport to Stormwind (mage) and then deposit in hte guild bank there and then take the portal to Twilight Highlands well to Twilight highlands?
Yes look for this too. Something like Port and put herb and ore in gbank or sell in ah. and something like multijump the cata areas, do x circles then go the next random area, or something.
If I knew which functions these are from GB I could try fix it myself but I need to dig deeper into it first.
you can make a Profbuddy profile that does exactly this.I attached a template that needs the bank area location,portal location and ID. You can get the id by running this in HBConsole. PHP: foreach (var obj in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWGameObject>()) Log("Name: {0}, ID: {1}",obj.Name,obj.Entry);