HB won't do it itself... Give me a week or so to complete my beastly plugin, then I'll add this to BuddyHelper to include all the starting zones profession trainers, and I'll make a gui with an option to set what professions you wanna train.
Hey no1knowsy, I'm probably going to sound like a complete jackass for asking this, but I have never been able to figure out how to use ProfessioinBuddy. I read the thread, and even tried to follow the instructions, and just failed miserably. Would you be able to make a more in-dpeth, or step-by-step, guide on how to use it? Really, I don't have anythign to use it with since there aren't really any profiles that would help me out, I think anyway. I just can't figure out how to use it. Also, about your plugin that you referred to; what is it? lol
I have literally never... never touched PB. I don't even use it to level up my professions. I tried it once, but it kept failing in Org at using the transporter... with a flying mount. Just the profile problem but idc. My plugin BuddyHelper will be getting a lot more added to it. If you click my name, then on the left click on view all started threads you'll find it in there. I have a description in the first post of what I'll be looking at adding. I'm still getting more ideas every day -Panda.