** Please do not post regarding any other versions of Salesman than the one I have posted here. Posts regarding any other version of Salesman will be ignored! This is necessary in an effort to follow forum rules. ** I am pleased to announce that I have made a free version of my AH bot. This AH bot is easy to set up (which items to sell, how many etc). It has a few settings to tune it to sell the auctions exactly as you want it. I suppose a screenshot can say more than many words So here is a screenshot of the general config window: All these settings are defaulted to what I recommend, so you don't need to change them at all. Then, you make a list of the items you want to sell, and how many you want to keep on AH at all times. It will scan the AH to see if you have been undercut, and cancel your auctions if you have. It will post your auctions and undercut others with the amount you wish. If some of your auctions are sold, it will post some more to keep the amount you've configured on AH at all times. If someone have posted an auction below your minimum price - you can either choose to skip posting that item, ignoring the cheaper auction, undercut the cheaper auction or sell the item at your fallback price. When it is done with a cycle (either everything in your list is on AH, or you don't have any more mats to post), you can choose either to wait a random time between X and Y, change botbase and load a profile (for example your farming profile), or to shut down wow and HB. This bot works with all AH's in the game, except for Pandaria and Shattrath. How to install: This is a BotBase, so unzip it in your bots folder. How to use: - Select Salesman Lite as botbase - Click Bot Config - Click 'Manage AH Items' - Add an item to the list by typing the name of an item in the textbox in the Name column. - Set a minimum price and fallback price. What these prices mean, depends on your settings in the general settings window. - Set a stacksize and amount of stacks. Note that you can sell the same item in different sizes (5x20, 10x5 etc..) - Close the windows and start the bot. Note that many common ingame addons interfere with Salesman. AddOns like TSM and probably many other addons with AH functionality or that alters your UI must be disabled. If you don't disable, the bot might get stuck at posting items on AH, or it might not cancel your auctions when you've been undercut. For the other developers out here: The botbase relies on an AH framework that I have developed and released as open source. If you wish to use it in your own plugins/whatever, PM me and I'll link you where you can find the source along with some steps to get started using it.
Thanks Inrego, quality as usual! I will be trying it out shortly, see if it can help me with my poverty issues ^^
Inrego, your advancement beyond my own skill still takes me by surprise. Even if this is a "simple" ver it's still awesome, and works perfect.
I must say this looks incredibly useful. If I'm not mistaken, the paid version supersedes AHbuddy in almost every way right?
It doesn't buy (yet), I am going to add that soon.. But for everything else, I have made algorithms specifically tailored for all the tasks this does, in order to make it as optimal as it can be. As an example, while it is searching on ah for prices to undercut, it posts on ah. So it posts auctions and searches at the same time. For withdrawal and deposit, it calculates which indexes to use in bags/banks and withdraws/deposits everything at once - making the speed MUCH faster than any ProfessionBuddy based profile (which AHbuddy is)
Oops, I had a typo where I said that it doesn't sell yet in my previous post. Of course I meant that it doesn't buy yet.
okay maybe im missing something..i load it, hit start, and it gets stuff form my mailbox, and then goes to AH and says this Everything was up and running as supposed on AH Starting Post Everything was up and running as supposed on AH Starting Post Everything was up and running as supposed on AH i go to manage, but i cant figure out how to import whats in my bags.
Just start typing the name of an item. It has a list of all english item names, so it will suggest an item as you start typing the name of it. The Lite version doesn't have functionality to add all the items from your bags easily. I added How to use to the main post to make it clear how to use the bot properly.
Hey! I'm giving it a try and it looks awesome. Specially the items management screen, pretty comprehensive and easy to use, indeed! I was wondering if is there a way to import data from The Undermine Journal, or WoWuction? I think it's a tab delimited or a .csv file, actually.
Indeed pro version pm please, however aside from that. All this does is fly from AH to Mailbox, opens it for a millisec going back and forth. Its probably bot, Ill mess with it more when I get back home tonight
"Everything was up and running as supposed on AH Starting Post" And it does not post any of my auctions - b4 patch everything works great. Obviously got list of items in the config.. Any1 else got this problem ?
Its working now But its kinda slow though... hehe So, whats this '' pro '' version everyone is talking about?