I have been working and messing with plugins and saw someone had requested a keyspammer basically it will spam the letter L while you are alive... Whoever requested this ( I swear it was today, but I can't find your post) If someone does see his post, link this for him... Everyone, enjoy p.s. I am currently trying to work on a party quest plugin, it is working ok so far but is having targeting issues... If someone can help me with the basic understanding of this and how to filter please pm me.
to change the key from L to up,down,space bar etc change the code in notepad to ... an example of up for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Styx.Helpers.KeyboardManager.PressKey((char)Keys.up); Thread.Sleep(random.Next(30, 50)); Styx.Helpers.KeyboardManager.ReleaseKey((char)Keys.up); Thread.Sleep(random.Next(250, 750)); }
to spam '1' that is bound to on my Action Bar? //edit seems thats wrong - any idea what i have to insert tha he will spam the '1' where the '!' is? And what numbers do i have to insert to let him spam this button max every 3 sec? Are the numbers min and max numbers for randomness? so 1000 and 3000 is for 1 sec to 3 sec?
it dosnt matter, i guess it was someone trying to trick the afk, but that can be done internally without sending keys, ether way it doesn't matter.
Styx.StyxWoW.ResetAfk() just pulse it every minute or so, this will prevent the need to spam keys for no reason.
but for that you can use PB :-3 When you use this it's looks like you are useing an easy autoclicker :-/
Hey guys, I understand that there are other plugins that can be used for many different things. This is a very simple keyspammer, if anyone wants to add a pulse or anything to it, feel free. Just follow the rules of the forum (give credit). It will never be used as more than a keyspammer, works great for macros and a keybind. My programming skills are subpar at best, so im just trying to give back to the community any way that I can. Someone wanted a keyspammer at one point in the forums, so I took my time and I figured it out for them. As stated, feel free to upgrade the plugin with more features, it would be interesting how far something this simple could even go. Thanks again, If this plugin is appreciated, please rep me if you feel it is necessary. Oh and Madcow, I'm not Dutch, but I sure do need help
thanks, i'm using this plugin A LOT. The one issue i'm having is that this plugin seems to block every other action. I can't run it alongside of my PB profile or ArcheologyBuddy or anything really. Is that fixable?
Dunno how that would work but when you use TSM AddOn and you refill your craft queue this addon will do the job of spamming the Craft button - or is THIS possible with PB? LMK if it is please
Yes, there aren't really any conditional statements other than while not dead spam whatever. What are u using it for specifically? Im not sure I can make a statement like, if running pb only spam when ... Maybe u can but I would need help on that, however it would be easier to understand why u need a spam key for pb and arch buddy. Then maybe I can dig deeper and figure out if I can make it be more compatible with that plugin and that bot base.