[Neutral] Mag'har / Kurenai rep farming profile This profile kills ogres at the Burning Blade Ruins in Nagrand for Kurenai / Mag'har rep. Each ogre gives 10 rep, and theydrop war beads (10 can be turned in for 500 rep) Loot: War Beads, Netherweave Cloth, Greens, Greys, Silver Make sure your bags are empty, it doesn't have a vendor. You will probably need to empty it's bags every few hours. I got exalted in one night using this profile on a level 80 shadow priest. Directions: Set your character at the spot on the map (download the map below). Turn off use of mount. Set to loot mobs, and to kill between hotspots. -- It is recommended to use a level 75+ to farm these as it will fight more than one at a time -- Please pst any problems you have with it. Good Luck
I'm trying this out now. I did make a couple of changes, as there were a few mistakes in the code to rectify to get it to work for me. I'll let you know how I go Code: <HBProfile> <Name>Mag'Har/Kurenai Grind</Name> <MinDurability>0</MinDurability> <MinFreeBagSlots>-1</MinFreeBagSlots> <SellGrey>True</SellGrey> <SellWhite>False</SellWhite> <SellGreen>False</SellGreen> <MinLevel>58</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> <ProtectedItems /> <SubProfile> <Name>Test</Name> <MinLevel>58</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>86</MaxLevel> <Factions>45</Factions> <Hotspots> <Hotspot X="-2258.671" Y="6222.257" Z="43.84316" /> <Hotspot X="-2303.906" Y="6135.475" Z="61.56202" /> <Hotspot X="-2258.38" Y="6104.091" Z="76.45993" /> <Hotspot X="-2346.973" Y="6191.712" Z="49.5622" /> <Hotspot X="-2347.83" Y="6119.293" Z="61.13378" /> </Hotspots> <Vendors /> </SubProfile> </HBProfile>