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  • [H-PB]Megapack-Dungeon Farming Dust/Essence/Cloth +AH+ Milling/Prospect/Shuffle +more

    Discussion in 'Farming' started by fats, Feb 27, 2013.

    1. fats

      fats New Member

      Oct 31, 2011
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      Hey guys,
      I've decided to get out of the WoW game because it's honestly just taking up too much of my time. As a result though, I'm giving out all the profiles I've made over the past few months to everyone. I spent a shitload of time making this profile pack, and it'd be a waste for someone not to use it. However, it lacks a lot of interface options since I didn't intend on ever releasing this, so if someone feels like making some changes I'm sure the community would appreciate it.

      This profile pack gathers materials for Enchanting and Tailoring by farming dungeons, and assists in leveling Jewel Crafting, Inscription, Enchanting, and Tailoring.

      Why Dungeons? Staying out of eyesight, not using GB. Safer way to bot.

      You can set it up to farm a WotLK dungeon or lower, mail all the materials to an alt, have the tailor craft the most cost-effective item from the mats, send all of that off to your enchanter, disenchant everything, and then mail all that off to an auctioneer who will put it up on the AH for you.

      This will farm:

      linen, wool, silk, mageweave, runecloth, netherweave, frostweave

      Strange Dust, Magic Essence, Lesser Astral Essence, Soul Dust, Vision Dust, Nether Essence, Eternal Essence, Dream Dust, Illusion Dust, Arcane Dust, Planar Essence, Infinite Dust, Lesser Cosmic Essence

      Here's how it works:

      You can farm materials 1 of 2 ways: the traditional gatherbuddy system where you go around to different herb and ore spots, take all the mats and use them to prospect/milling/shuffle and/or level up your professions. [PB] Custom mills/prospects/inks/disenchants everything for you and mails profitable dusts/essences for auctioning, and non-profitable dusts and essences for leveling.
      Or you can farm dungeons, send all the material off to your enchanter, have the enchanter D/E all the greens and mail the profitable mats to your auctioneer, non-profitable to an alt for later profession leveling, mail off the cloth to your tailor, have your tailor make items, mail them back to your enchanter to D/E, and then mail all those mats again off to your auctioneer or alt. It's quite a process, but effective.

      Yeah, as you can imagine, you pull in so many enchanting materials, you basically control the AH for any dust or essence you want. It's kind of ridiculous. I was controlling nether essences, illusion dust, frostweave bags, and vision dust on every server I ran this on. I couldn't be bought out since I'd just have more materials later.
      Use responsibly!

      Setup: for
      [Auctioneer]- this guy receives all the mats you want mailed. The profile needs work to make it more user-friendly since I didn't really intend on making this widespread, but all you need to do is edit the prices for whatever you want sold in the [PB]AH Custom.xml file

      [JewelCrafter] - Will prospect any ore, old world to mop, that can be prospected according to your crafting level. Any ores he can't prospect he mails to the [Banker]. If your jewelcrafting level is high enough, he will do the elementium/pyrite ore shuffle to make necklaces and jewelry. Jewelry must be mailed by hand if your JC is different than your Enchanter, otherwise he D/Es the materials himself and mails profitable dusts and essences to the [Auctioneer]. Non-profitable dusts and essences for leveling are mailed to the [BagDump]. Any gems he pulls out of the ores but can't use for shuffling will be mailed to your [BagDump]

      [Scribe] - Will mill any herb, old world to mop, that can be milled according to your level. Any herbs he can't mill will be mailed to your banker. He will then take all pigments and turn them into inks, which then get mailed off to the [BagDump]

      [Tailor] - Will make any cloth bolts, old world to wotlk, that can be milled according to your level. Any cloth he can't make into bolts will be mailed to your banker. For linens and wool he will make brown linen pants and wool shoulders, for silk he will make silk heabands, for mageweave he will make black mageweave gloves (also includes black mageweave shoulders that have been commented out of the xml file), and for runecloth he will make runecloth headbands. All tailored materials he mails to your Enchanter for disenchanting. All cloth bolts that aren't used he mails to the [BagDump]

      [Enchanter] Disenchants all greens and blues, mails commonly profitable essences and dusts to the auctioneer. Mails non-profitable dusts to the [BagDump]

      [Banker] - This guy ends up with materials that can't be immediately used by any one of the above professions. He is effectively a huge storage space.

      [BagDump] - This guy ends up with materials that are used to level your professions. The idea is that he gets all the refined materials like gems, inks, bolts, and essences while you're afk, then when you come back to the game you mail your refined materials back to level up your guy.

      I'd recommend taking the toon who's going to be doing the dungeon farming (ideally a tailor for the extra cloth drops in northrend and up) and setting up his mail so that he mails all cloth and greens to your enchanter. The enchanter will automatically d/e the greens and mail back the cloth. Makes it smoother.


      All characters except your auctioneer should be running [PB]Custom with the appropriate forms filled in.
      Your auctioneer should be running [PB] AH Custom.
      Copy both of these files into wherever, as long as you remember to select them.
      You need to run these with the professionbuddy botbase.

      Dungeon profiles: Park your toon outside the dungeon and run it using the questing profile. If you're Horde, he'll stop when his bags get full and mail off the mats. If you're alliance, you'll have to mail the mats yourself, or simply change the mailbox in the xml file. It's not hard.

      ***Important*** - Copy the InInstance.cs file to your questbehaviors folder in your honorbuddy directory. If you don't have this, the bot won't be able to exit the dungeon.

      Things to note - Scarlet Monastery meshing is bad. Like really, really bad. So I had to use a lot of direct-movement commands. Consequently, the bot gets stuck here a lot, and if you disconnect he won't be able to find his way back out. It's not a bad idea to watch him.

      You should also probably be using the Mr.ItemRemover plugin because that'll get rid of a lot of cheap grays that take up bag space.
      The HBRelog or ARelog is also wonderful for its uses.

      Lastly, I'll note that I'm done with WoW. I don't even have an account to test these on anymore, so please keep in mind I will not be offering support for the profiles. All they really need is some tweaks and fixes though, the rest is all there.

      Many thanks to Blazin' for his profile, from which I learned most of what I know about .xml coding
      AknA for being awesome and making the InInstance.cs script, without which the bot doesn't function correctly.

      Also, I want to thank some people here for being cool. Especially AknA cause that dude's a boss The lifer community is great. Many of the newbies though are self-entitled ass holes who feel like because they spent $20 on something they're supposed to have all the benefits of everything, ever. Don't be like them.

      Attached Files:

    2. Ticky

      Ticky New Member

      Jan 25, 2013
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      Downloaded the Halls of Lightning profile just now and tried to load it. I've been running several other cloth farming profiles today and Kick's questing profiles and they all worked fine. However, when I try to load up this Halls of Lightning profile it just gets stuck on loading profile. Not sure why this is. To verify results, I loaded up a Kick's profile and another farming profile I use for my herbalist and they both loaded just fine. I don't know if maybe the recent honorbuddy updates and WoW patches have glitched these or not, but I just thought I'd let you know that there is this issue. I would post a log, but there aren't any logs being created when I try to load the bot, and when I try to start it up, it just loads the last profile I had loaded. It basically treats your profiles as though they never even existed or were attempted to be loaded into HB at all. I just googled this issue and only found one thread on this site pertaining to this issue, and it didn't show any solutions. Only that those profiles just simply didn't work anymore. I'd hope this isn't the case, because this frostweave profile is my last and best bet at the moment.

      Thanks for your assistance in advance.
    3. realdee

      realdee New Member

      Sep 23, 2012
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      Got a Problem with the Halls of Lightning Profile :/
      Load InInstance.cs in Quest Behaviers but every time he will exit the Instance he still whait at the Portal and got the Error

    4. player8472

      player8472 New Member

      Dec 31, 2010
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      Hmmm did you run it in the questbot? I don't think it's a quest-profile.
    5. fofos

      fofos Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      im not totally sure but i went inside Strath with HB on Grind mode and it worked . So probably you need to run them on Grind mode . Very good effort .

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