NOTE: NO SUPPORT FOR THIS PROFILE ANYMORE feel free to update it. I wanna share my turtle and mushan meat grinding profile. it is not the biggest profile but you get alot of nice things 1. Go to Valley of the four winds to Farmspot show on picture 2. choose Grindbot 3. Load Profile xml You need: a lvl 86 or higher Bags ofc What does it grind? Raw Turtle Meat - Item - World of Warcraft Mushan Ribs - Item - World of Warcraft Mote of Harmony - Item - World of Warcraft Greens Blues Purples and alot of grey items incl Gleaming Turtle Shell - Item - World of Warcraft wich sells to vendore for 6g 20s ---------------------------------------------- If you are a skinner you also gets Sha-Touched Leather - Item - World of Warcraft Exotic Leather - Spell - World of Warcraft Prismatic Scale - Item - World of Warcraft Plump Intestines - Item - World of Warcraft ----------------------------------------------- Vendor available? Yes - Neutral Mailbox available? Yes - Neutral Repair available? Yes - Neutral Finnaly go ahead and give it a try and pls report if anything is not working.
I cant seem to get this profile to work, i have messed with the settings etc, but it just seems to sit on loading tile/s for some reason, if you have any suggestions to help that would be great thankyou! EDIT: i got this profile to work i dont know how i just was looking at facebook i went back and it was goin! thanks for an excellent profile!! working perfectly!
So i ran it over night ( About 5 hours ) And it ran really smoothly and got alot of good stuff. This is an really good profile and i'm gonna continue to use it becurse Prismatic scale & Meat sells insanly on my server. Btw does anyone if theres any addon/Plugin that can open these ( Plump infested things? ) Would make it alot better! Cheers for an awesome profile +1 !
well you dont need a grindarea code to make it work and you have replied to my second profile here this is the first profile in a diffrent area
works great, but after 3-4 hours of farming my bags were full and it continued killing mobs without looting them. Is there a setting I'm missing to make it vendor/mail items or do I need a plugin or something?
yeah sadly it does ive tried to put them on avoid but sometimes it attack them they share same id as the grind turtles.
hey, i know that turtle but havent seen it as a problem on my druid (feral) it attacks it perfect. atm im working on the profile to make it run over a greater distance but will try and put a blackspot in for that turtle.