[N][Fly] The Lorewalkers Exalted- Updated, skips those you've had! Hello, This profile will fly to all the scrolls and use them There's two that can't be done, first: The Birthplace of Liu Lang and second The Defiant. You''ll have to do them manually How to get Exalted using this profile 1. Download the profile and open it using the Questing botbase 2. Run the profile anywere in Pandaria (First one it picks up is in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms) 3. Wait for the profile to be done 4. When it's done, get The Defiant manually: Lorewalker's Reputation Guide to Exalted - Maps, timestamps and route. - YouTube 5. Get The Birthplace of Liu Lang manually: Lorewalker's Reputation Guide to Exalted - Maps, timestamps and route. - YouTube 6. Go to a mailbox and take out all the scrolls, accept their quests 7. Deliver them at the Lorewalkers base (Above Mogu'Shan Palace) 8. Get your mount! I've tested each pickup and noted no flaws. But if you do come across something, let me know. It follows the following path, but skips the optional ones Note: If you're gonna borrow my coordinates that's alright, but give me some credit in your profile and forum post Run as Quest Bot Enjoy! And again if you come across issues lemme know Changelog: Code: 1.0.1 - Removed the two bugged ones all together and added instructions on how to do them manually afterwards 1.2.0 - The bot will now skip those you've had, this means you can also stop the profile and continue later! To avoid wasting time, make sure you're fully repaired If you enjoyed this profile, please consider a small donation to keep me going! ;-)
Stopped at 41,60 in townlong steps, been there for a good 15mins now EDIT: Bot moved, decided it wants to collect dark soil instead?
What is your log saying? Could be a HonorBuddy issue since the servers are a bit unstable There's no reference to Dark Soil in my profile, nor it's name or object ID, so that's a little odd
It's amazing until it goes into "The Ancient Passage" I've died twice there and it can't find my body. Guess I'll have to continue manually from here on out since I don't want to start from the beginning.
Aye, that one is tricky.. HB's Flightor can't handle the cave so I had to do CTM actions, I might just take it out and askt he user to do the whole cave manually (You now only have to click the scroll manually to avoid issues) If you take out line 40 till line 182 you can continue from where you stopped EDIT: Took this part out, still only two you have to do manually now, but it shouldn't even enter the cave of the 2nd one now
it's just spamming, "Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Spademender Yumba" and it's running so freaking long, i won't stop the bot, cause it will start from new then
I don't know, it took like 10mins or so. it also swimmed alot of time etc. but i don't really know. it didn't mount up