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  • [PB] [Alliance] Alchemy (and semi-generic material gatherer) proof of concept

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by suremail, Apr 12, 2011.

    1. suremail

      suremail New Member

      Dec 26, 2010
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      [PB] [Alliance] Alchemy (and semi-generic) material gatherer proof of concept

      One of the biggest issues with ProfessionBuddy right now is just the lack of profiles for professions. Unattended mining/herbing is great, but those two weren't really that much of a pain to level up using Gatherbuddy/Honorbuddy to begin with.

      So my idea was to make a ProfessionBuddy profile that, with a little modification, could work for different professions. At the very least it could serve as a good skeleton for professions that require gathered materials (inscription, alchemy, blacksmithing, etc).

      The general premise is that you put a list of item IDs and quantities into the xml file, associate them with the correct gathering profile, and the bot will gather until it has all of the necessary items.


      			/* First profile (index 0) */
      			temp.Add( new int[]{ 2447, 59 } );	/* Peacebloom */
      			temp.Add( new int[]{ 765, 59 } );	/* Silverleaf */
      			((ArrayList)var2).Add(temp.ToArray( typeof(int[]) ));
      This profile has a few of the items necessary to start alchemy and will gather until it has enough and then move to a new area. I have tested this so far as the first eight items on the WoW Profession alchemy guide and it correctly goes to each new area. The complete item list is in the xml file, and just commented out. Enabling the other items is just a matter of copy/pasting and associating them with the correct gathering profile.

      This profile is meant to be opened in a text editor. There are comments and formatting that will be lost if you open it in ProfessionBuddy and save it to the same file. Without the formatting the logic will be very hard to follow.

      This is not a complete profile. This profile is geared more towards profile makers and people who have a basic understanding of programming.

      Improvements that could be made:

      • Selling / mailing extra items
      • Loading a profession buddy profile when the gathering phase is complete (There are none currently, which is why it doesn't do this)
      • Gather only the items in the profile (use the GB2 blacklist options)
      • Needs Horde profiles / item associations

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
    2. NizaJakub2

      NizaJakub2 New Member

      Feb 24, 2010
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      Nice work! Where is blacklist node? I didnt find it in ur code and when I run it, it gathered all herbs and when have enough of selected herbs, changed profile. Thx m8
      Last edited: Apr 19, 2011
    3. suremail

      suremail New Member

      Dec 26, 2010
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      I don't quite follow what you're asking.

      If you're asking, "How do I stop it from gathering certain herbs?" then the answer is you can't with the code the way it is. You could configure Gatherbuddy2 to only gather the types of herbs you need (while ignoring others) if it is a big issue for you.

      If you're asking, "How does it know to change gathering profiles after it collects the herbs?" then the answer is in the part of the profession profile where the herbs are listed.

      temp.Add( new int[]{ 765, 59 } );	/* Silverleaf */
      765 is the item id of the gathered Silverleaf plant, and 59 is the number of Silverleaf to gather.

      ((ArrayList)var2).Add(temp.ToArray( typeof(int[]) ));
      That creates a new set of herbs to look for, so any of the temp.Add lines above it are included. In the case of the first set it is Peacebloom and Silverleaf. The bot will stay on the first gathering profile until it has at least 59 Peacebloom and at least 59 Silverleaf. It will stay on the second profile until it has at least 93 Briarthorn, 33 Bruiseweed, etc.

      The gathering profiles are listed near the bottom and look like this:

      				<If Condition="0 == (int)var1" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="2">
      					<CustomAction Code="Log(&quot;Loading 1-75 profile&quot;);" />
      					<LoadProfileAction Path="HBProfiles\(GB2 1-300)Herb&amp;Mining\Alliance\(GB2 1-75)(Elwynn.Alliance)Herb&amp;Mining.xml" ProfileType="Honorbuddy" />
      All old-world gathering profiles are set up for Alliance, but not all herbs are currently configured. To get the profession profile to do all old-world gathering would require someone taking the time to just see what herbs can be found in each gathering profile. It's not hard. It's just tedious and I haven't been playing WoW that much lately.
    4. NizaJakub2

      NizaJakub2 New Member

      Feb 24, 2010
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      ok thx, the first was correct :)
    5. tia79

      tia79 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      This just dont work..

      Err: If (!GatherbuddySettings.Instance.GatherHerbs)Compile Error : Navnet GatherbuddySettings finnes ikke i gjeldende kontekst
      Objektreferanse er ikke satt til en objektforekomst.
    6. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      I already made a profile like this, but just for mining. It's fully functional. You can see more info in the link in my sig.

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