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  • Mixed mode doesnt continue grinding after a BG

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Mr3uk, Apr 17, 2011.

    1. Mr3uk

      Mr3uk Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Sorry if this is something im doing wrong but ive tried everything I can think of to try and solve the problem

      Im using mixed mode with Grind Bot/Pvp on the latest version of HB, although the older version had the same problem for me.

      Ive tried fresh installs of HB and different profiles etc. Also using the singular cc as I thought it could be an issue with Epidemic cc but its the same.

      When I press start he grinds mobs fine. The he goes to a battleground and exits all fine. After that he comes out and should switch back to grinding but instead he just runs around the hotspots not even targetting the mobs and they all aggro him but he continues running and not fighting any of them.

      Attatched Log

      Thanks for help!

      EDIT: Just another note, I have to close HB and restart it again to get it to continue grinding the mobs. Stopping and starting again doesnt work :(

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Apr 17, 2011

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