So i've been seeing a few threads about an HB3, but I cannot find an official release of information as to what HB3 is and what it will contain. Also, is HB currently down? I'm trying to use Tuanhas CR's but they don't do anything. Thanks!
All CRs are basically broken because they're reliant on framelock to be effective. The bot must have mesh for the area you're in to use framelock efficiently. So in legion areas yes the bots down. HB3 is just a revamped reengineered HB to allow a better platform for development. Also probably x64 but instead of x86. It's not been talked about officially because people will demand updates posts etc.
Theres no ETA cuz probably they dont know how to solve current issues, just a opinion. We are customer and dont have any official information. The truth can hurt, but its better than nothing.
Actuelly, the current soft is HB'2'. It's working fine, as long as you don't go to broken island HB3 seems to be the upgraded version of the current HB. Not released cause they are dealing with legion stuff (meshing, etc) And they don't provide ETAs because they don't want to disapoint you. Maybe 8 times / 10, ETA will be correct. other, people will complain and spam forum with thread such as "but you said it will be yesterday, omg omg" Check the forum, there are already plenty of thread, immagine with a late release Btw, all these information are just speculations on what I know / immagine / suppose. I don't have any proof or link to assure you, but it all seems common sens. Sorry for my english ;à